
The National Assembly: A Circus of Lies and Hypocrisy

Anonyme, Jueves, Marzo 15, 2007 - 20:08

Steve Tremblay

Elections are the best means available for businessmen and their
political valets to divert the working class from its historical task
- the emancipation of all humanity. An artificial terrain where your X
legitimizes capitalist power, be it Charest, Boisclair, Davis, Dumont,

The diversion of the working class towards bourgeois democracy for the
last 100 years has led to its passivity and defeat. The "citizens" -
as politicians and unionists like to call them, in order play down the
existence of the working class - are locked in a Kafkaesque choice
between political parties which offer no choice at all when it comes
to ideas - obsessed only with grabbing governmental power.

All of this at a time when the crisis exposes the reality of
capitalism to a degree greater than ever before: environmental
problems, the impossibility of sustainable development in the
unbridled race for profit, which only represents the capitalist
system's apex; unemployment and growing pauperization; the use of
"terrorism" to stifle any critical opposition to the economic and
political order, and nationalist polarizations towards world conflict.

To abstain is to refuse bourgeois power, to deny its legitimacy; it's
the refusal of the daily extortion of surplus-value from the working

Workers, we must realize that elections do not change anything.

Blackmail in the form of closures like Olymel will continue. Unions,
which cry out that we need "to act together for Quebec", prod us
continually to vote for various clones. The true decision-makers are
not the deputies; they are the businessmen and businesswomen, the
companies of the state's senior officials - basically all the owners
of the means production who are in charge of enterprises such as
Bombardier, Québecor, Olymel, Hydro-Québec, or a possible Eole Inc.
Their goal is the pursuit of profits for their stockholders and
leaders. Among them, we count the official managers of state
enterprises, those same state enterprises that operate symbiotically
with their private sector sisters. For example, the supply of
electricity at reasonable costs to the SME or other monopolies, be it
Hydro-Québec or a possible Eole inc., is one of close collaboration
between Québec's state capitalism and private capital. From the CSN
sidestepping Quebec Solidaire for the Greens, this political "rear
guard" wants nothing more than to improve "the economy of Quebec" to
benefit the corporations, and to create increasingly precarious jobs..
This gang of social-climbers will never admit that in the capitalist
economy, employment is only temporary and that wage-cuts are
increasingly permanent. Faced with the disillusionment that Capital
creates, their solution isn't to bring it down but to prolong its
existence, its so-called democracy, its extortion of our class's
labour. Their aim is to get us to vote in the belief that capitalism
is eternal, and that we must make do with it!

To abstain will not suffice.

The increase in abstention during elections reveals the growing
indifference of workers to the electoral process. However, this alone
will never be sufficient. Let us stop begging at the altar of the
bourgeois state with petitions, votes, or on marches of the "Francoise
David" variety. The dictatorship of the bourgeoisie must be destroyed
and replaced by the dictatorship of workers councils. It's the
prospect of the class war against our exploiters that must motivate
us. Workers, we must unite to construct an internationalist
proletarian party, an anti-Stalinist party!

Some internationalist communists, Montreal

CMAQ: Vie associative

Collectif à Québec: n'existe plus.

Impliquez-vous !


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