Send revolutionary books to Haitimelodisea, Martes, Marzo 6, 2007 - 02:01 I am trying to put together packages of french books to send to Haiti. Having had a hard time finding french texts on the internet, I am reaching out to all of you out there who might be interested in donating revolutionary titles to send to Haiti's young inquiring minds that need support in their move to take back their country... As of yet, I am willing to pay up to $10 US dollars per book to send. Although I am having trouble finding resources and since I don't speak french, it makes it more difficult. Any information would help... it could be links to downloadable books in french by such authors like Galleono, Freire, etc. Or if you have great books with revolutionary ideas that you want to donate to a great cause, I'd be gratefully indebted to continuing to work for our connected community... Looking forward to sharing ideas... |
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