George Orwell Meets the Matrix - Already Verichipped?forpressfound, Jueves, Febrero 8, 2007 - 05:55
FPF-fwd. Maureen Farrell + FOX
Today a month ago VeriChip announced that it received the US patent for its portable RFID asset tracking system. As of November 2006, its RFID systems have been installed in over 4,000 healthcare locations, primarily located in North America. GLOBALLY MOST PEOPLE READING THIS WILL BE ABLE TO PUT TWO AND TWO TOGETHER AND DRAW THEIR OWN CONCLUSIONS. a PM by Henk Ruyssenaars - Foreign correspondent FPF - Febr. 8th 2007 - The company trades under the ticker "CHIP" on NASDAQ. Underwriters on the prospectus are listed as Merriman Curhan Ford, C.E.Unterberg Towbin, and Kaufman Brothers. - [http://tinyurl.com/2wpjag] If you read this FOX interview with Verichip's Chairman Silverman first, you'll better understand what's happening to you and our world. You'll get an answer to the basic questions: Who? When? Where? Why? And what for? Verichip belongs to a multinational which also taps anything everywhere via Internet, phones etc. All telephone and other data traffic can be tapped by using the United States's secretive Bad Aibling base in the Bavarian Alps, which houses the American global eavesdropping program. [Portland*] This group also owns all major media like FOX in the world and tells people what to believe.* One can always ask whether illegal warrantless wiretapping and the cowed media are connected. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/pzdtu And please do keep in mind that mister Silverman belongs to the group that for ages has been responsible for the wars and of course is managing the US junta's warmachine, inluding NATO and all mercenaries.* The following is a transcript of the Fox & Friends interview with Scott Silverman, Chairman of the Board of VeriChip Corporation. The interview took place Tuesday May 16, 2006, between 6 and 7 AM on the Fox News Channel. - Link below. VERICHIPPING TIKI BARBER, co-anchor: All right now, could implanting a microchip into guest workers coming into the US solve our illegal immigration problem? BRIAN KILMEADE, co-anchor: Here to tell us right now why this is a viable solution that might be used very shortly, Scott Silverman, CEO and Chairman of Applied Digital. Scott, where is this being used right now? Mr. SCOTT SILVERMAN (Chairman & CEO, Applied Digital): Well, this chip today is being used for medical applications, to identify high-risk medical patients and their medical records in an emergency and clinical situation. The chip itself was approved by the FDA several years ago as a class-two medical device, specifically for that application. But obviously, it can be applicable for the immigration issues we face today as well. KIRAN CHETRY, co-anchor: And we're going to take a look at it right now. You have the little chip, and it's next to a penny, so we can see just how small that chip would be. And you have one in you, so let's go ahead and just sort of explain how it would happen. Mr. SILVERMAN: That's correct. My chip is in the upper right arm; it's been there for about three years. It's a simple injection process just like getting a shot of penicillin. BARBER: OK. Now how exactly does it work? What does the chip actually contain on it? CHETRY: OK, SO it--I guess you can just run this over his arm, and it comes up. Mr. SILVERMAN: Well, the chip itself has a unique, 16-digit identification number, and then through a serial port--if I can. Kiran, on the bottom of the scanner. Through a serial port, it attaches to a computer, where a database would pull up and the medical application—your medical records. But in the immigration application, the registration of a guest worker legitimately here in the United States, that could be used at the border. But it could also be used for enforcement purposes at the employer level. AN ELECTION ON THE PART OF THE GOVERNMENT KILMEADE: What if you don't want it in your body? Do you have a choice? Mr. SILVERMAN: Absolutely. It's an election on the part of the immigrant or an election on the part of the government, when we ultimately define what that technology is that no one has defined yet. KILMEADE: Has the government bought this from you and said this is going to be the new immigration policy? [Mr. Silverman's group manages the so called governments, so his denial his no value at all. - HR] Mr. SILVERMAN: No, they have not. We have talked to many people in Washington about using it as an application for a guest worker program. But we cannot say today that they have actually bought it for immigration purposes. BARBER: Now, a lot of people would say that's it's dangerous, that it's invasive, it could be used to infringe on our civil liberties by tracking us. But this is not what this is all about. KILMEADE: Sort of like "Wild Kingdom," right? Mr. SILVERMAN: No, that's correct, Tiki. This is not a locating device; this has no GPS capabilities in it whatsoever. It is purely an identification device that reads a unique 16-digit identifier with a proprietary scanner within a very short range. It's a passive device with no power source under the skin that ties to a database where the relevant information is stored. KILMEADE: Tiki knows the Secretary of State. Maybe Tiki can get this contract for Scott. Tiki, maybe you can get a cut back. You know, you're not going to be playing forever. CHETRY: That's how people get arrested in Florida, Brian. BARBER: Exactly. IT JUST SEEMS, LIKE--IT SEEMS SCARY CHETRY: But it is an interesting phenomenon. I don't know how comfortable even if you asked me or Tiki or Brian if we would be willing to do it. It just seems, like--it seems scary. KILMEADE: If I wanted to come to the United States, chip me to death! [Likes fascism? - HR] BARBER: But it really is no different than having a passport and having a way to identify yourself. This just is a way that you won't lose it. Mr. SILVERMAN: Yeah. It's a benefit to the person that's in the guest worker program, because if you leave your card at home or you leave it at your work, you're not going to be able to go back and forth across the border. KILMEADE: It's like permanently putting a string on your finger to remind you of something. Mr. SILVERMAN: Correct. That's correct. CHETRY: It's quite interesting, so, keep us posted if there's more interest in it. Thanks, Scott. Mr. SILVERMAN: Thank you very much. Pleasure meeting you this morning. KILMEADE: ESPECIALLY IF YOU GET REALLY RICH. Mr. SILVERMAN: OK. Thanks. BARBER: Thanks for joining us. - END - Story Url.: http://www.spychips.com/press-releases/silverman-foxnews.html -0- RELATED: WE THE PEOPLE WILL NOT BE CHIPPED - No Verichip Inside - Human Chipping, Verichip, IBM , Nazi Germany , Hollerith Machine, George Orwell, 1984 , Mark of the beast, DNA chip, Forced chipping, identity protection? - Url.: www.wethepeoplewillnotbechipped.com/ For the following story all needed and very interesting working links are at Buzzflash's Url. below. NOW: WHY DO SOME STILL THINK IT IS NOT HAPPENING? If I were you, I'd look around very carefully. Because this whole Matrix system maybe has already absorped you and yours, and then some will not see the signs on the wall anymore. SO: YOU EITHER FIGHT OR SUFFER. HR As the following story was written two and a half years ago: what do you think is technically possible now? GEORGE ORWELL MEETS THE MATRIX by Maureen Farrell - This story was first published on July 27, 2004 "We appear to be edging towards an era of 'mind control' -- a time when human brains might be manipulated routinely by highly sophisticated technology." -- Nicholas Regush, ABC News, Sept 5, 2001 "I've spoken about this at academic conferences. I find that the first reaction people have is, maybe, disbelief. But if I talk for two minutes, suddenly they begin to turn somber and say, 'This is the scariest thing I have ever seen.'" – University of Kansas research professor Jerome Dobson, on technology that could make George Orwell's "Big Brother nightmare...look amateurish," the Kansas City Star, March, 7, 2003 * * * On July 19, Denzel Washington appeared on the Late Show with David Letterman to discuss his role in the Manchurian Candidate. Saying that his character and others are carted off to be "manipulated" after being attacked during Desert Storm, Washington addressed the real-life implications behind this fictional drama: WASHINGTON: (Referring to a film clip which also features fellow cast member Liev Schreiber) I know that they’ve actually put these. . . implants, these chips inside of us, which they actually have nowadays. LETTERMAN: Is that right? WASHINGTON: Yes. LETTERMAN: Behavior modification chips? WASHINGTON: They say for security and global positioning reasons. . . They can put one in you now and know where you are all the time. LETTERMAN: It’s creepy isn’t it? WASHINGTON: It IS creepy. Not only is it creepy, but it sounds out-and-out ridiculous -- sort of like when Timothy McVeigh told friends that he thought the Army had implanted a microchip in his buttocks so the government could keep track of him." -0- FULL STORY WITH WORKING LINKS - Url.: http://www.buzzflash.com/farrell/04/07/far04025.html Maureen Farrell is a writer and media consultant who specializes in helping other writers get television and radio exposure. And pls remember: it's been happening already. You either fight or suffer. HR FOREIGN PRESS FOUNDATION - RELATED LINKS: * ISRAELIS HOLD KEYS TO NSA AND U.S. GOVERNMENT COMPUTERS - In the whole of European Union (25 countries) - like The Netherlands too: - Dutch tapping room not kosher. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/amdsx ... * TWO STRANGE DEATHS IN EUROPEAN WIRETAPPING SCANDAL ... Url.: portland.indymedia.org/en/2006/08/344697.shtml *US FASCISM: ''MILITARY COMMISSIONS ACT OF 2006'' - (Those who would sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither. - Benjamin Franklin) - Wikipedia - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/ydkywt * THE USE OF THE PHRASE 'ANTI SEMITISM' IS PURE NONSENSE - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/y8fwhf * WHERE DOES ALL THE WEALTH GO? There is no law nor court anywhere in this world which can stop them. They are the 'untouchables' and are listed here at the 'BIS' - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/yj7p5b * "LOOK AT THAT MAN, BLOATED BY SELF-IMPORTANCE- FULL OF HIMSELF BUT SOUL-EMPTY. Note well: Money deceives. The arrogant rich don't last. They are more hungry for wealth than the grave is for cadavers. Like death, they always want more, but the 'more' they get is dead bodies. They are cemeteries filled with dead nations, graveyards filled with corpses." - Bible - Revelations - Habakuk 2:4 & 5 * R.I.P. Habeas Corpus & Powerless judges - Are we entering America's darkest hour? - Url.: http://www.cemab.be/news/2006/10/2015.php *THROW OUT WAR PROPAGANDISTS LIKE THE BBC, FOX, CNN ETC.! - Url.: http://www.cemab.be/news/2006/07/1632.php * Fight Ignorance: Read BuzzFlash - Url.: http://www.buzzflash.com/ * MORE LINKS & BACKGROUND LINKS TO THOSE RESPONSIBLE - If after checking a factual error is found, pls. send an email so it can be corrected. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/fhln9 * The Dutch author this far has lived and worked abroad - never in an English speaking country - for more than 4 decades for international media as an independent foreign correspondent. Of which 10 years - also during Gulf War I - in the Arab World and the Middle East. Seeing worldwide that every bullet and every bomb breeds more terrorism! Which even a crook like French President Jacques Chirac confirmed - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/ym44vm * FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.: http://liimirror.warwick.ac.uk/uscode/17/107.html FOREIGN PRESS FOUNDATION -0-
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