(March 2007) Anti-imperialist contingent: Bush out of Baghdad, Canada out of Kandahar!Anonyme, Domingo, Enero 21, 2007 - 19:57
Block the Empire Montreal
This coming March 2007 will mark the 4th anniversary of the US-led invasion and occupation of Iraq. George Bush has just announced an increase of US troops into Iraq, all while the death toll of Iraqi civilians rises drastically. US gunships currently attack civilians in Somalia as the so-called "War on Terror" expands. Meanwhile, Canada actively supports US-led imperialism in the Middle East and beyond, with the deployment of more than 2000 troops in Afghanistan, and the profiteering of Canadian multinationals (as well as the complicity of so-called "development" agencies and NGOs). Stephen Harper's description of Israeli aggression against the people of Lebanon and Palestine as "proportionate and measured" this summer only reinforces Canada's active support for Western imperialism in the Middle East. In opposition to US/Canadian imperialism, and the continued occupation of Iraq, we will take the streets again this March 2007. Following up on the successful anti-imperialist contingent this past October 28, 2006 against Canada's occupation of Afghanistan, Block the Empire is organizing another contingent for Montreal-area demos. The BLOCK THE EMPIRE anti-imperialist contingent will be a "child-friendly" march. We will be joining and supporting the Échec à la guerre demonstration; while organizing autonomously as a contingent. We march in opposition to war at home and abroad, and against US/Canadian imperialism. We reiterate our slogan from October 2006: Occupation anywhere, resistance everywhere! We are denouncing war and occupation, and supporting grassroots resistance: Iraq ... Afghanistan ... Palestine ... Lebanon ... Iraq ... Iran ... Bolivia ... Colombia ... Mapuche territory ... Oaxaca ... Chiapas ... Philippines ... Haiti ... Six Nations ... Kahnawake ... Kanehsatake ... Nitassinan ... Turtle Island ... everywhere!. We will have more details about the contingent in the coming weeks. --> If your group, organization or collective ENDORSES the anti-imperialist contingent in opposition to the continued occupation of Iraq and Canadian complicity with US-led imperialism, please let us know at bloq...@resist.ca or 514-848-7583. --> If you can get involved in ORGANIZING & MOBILIZING for the anti-imperialist contingent, get in touch as well. We need lots of help and support with outreach efforts. INFO: bloq...@resist.ca - 514-848-7583
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