
PHILIPPINES: Smith's Illegal Transfer to the US Embassy: A Case of Multiple Rape

Anonyme, Viernes, Enero 12, 2007 - 19:54

LABAN NG MASA (Struggle of the Masses)

Rape of the Judicial System, Rape of Nicole once again, and Rape of the Nation's Dignity and Sovereignty

Like serial rapists who stalked the streets of Metro Manila in the dead of night not too long ago, Philippine government forces at 11 pm last night barged into the Makati City Jail and illegally pulled out rape convict Lance Corporal Daniel Smith of the US Marines for transfer to US Embassy custody in complete defiance of Philippine courts and judicial system.

This shameful and detestable act was deliberately timed with the three-day holiday from December 30 to January 1 of the new year obviously to frustrate any possible counter-action by the courts. It was also intended to avoid outbreaks of protests in the streets because people are busy preparing for the coming of the New Year. The timing is also outrageous in another sense—it was the eve of the annual commemoration of the martyrdom of the national hero Dr. Jose P. Rizal.

The illegal and forcible transfer to US government custody of the US Marine rape convict is tantamount to multiple rape committed by both the Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo (GMA) regime and the US government. It is a rape of the Philippine judicial system and its courts. It is a rape of the Philippine government’s own Constitution. It is a rape of Nicole once again. Above all, it is a rape of the nation’s dignity and sovereignty.

Nothing like this could ever happen without the knowledge and approval of Malacanang, the Departments of Justice and Foreign Affairs, and the Philippine Police. US Embassy spokesperson Matthew Lussenhop confirmed this when he told media last night that Smith’s transfer was upon “orders of the Philippine government

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