Paramilitaries are menacing the University of Cartagena (Colombia)Anonyme, Miércoles, Diciembre 27, 2006 - 13:54
The Secretary of Human Rights of the ACEU (Association of Colombian University Students)
Official notice to the public opinion The Secretary of Human Rights of the ACEU (Association of Colombian University Students) reports to the national and international community that their has been threats against the leaders the Colombian student movement. Facts 1. The 28 of November 2006, death threats were sent by the Bloque Norte of the AUC (United Autodefenses of Colombia) to student leader Andrea Beltran, member of the National Executive and responsible of the Costa Norte of Colombia for the ACEU. 2. This document mentions the names of student leaders of the University of Cartagena, and especially of Andrea Beltran. The text literally say's,amongst other things: ? We are going to kill you all if you don?t listen to our warnings to get out of the cities of the coast. With the intelligence work accomplished by our commandos we know everyone of your movements, were you meet. Saturday November 25th, Rodolfo Vecino escaped from ?Lomita arenas?,and this is only the beginning. We want to annonce that we declare all student leaders of the University of Cartagena military objectives. Were going to kill 3.The last paragraph of the document mentions that even though they submitted themselves to the demobilization process, the Bloque Norte of the AUC continued to realize intelligence work in the social and political movements present in the city and conserved their military might: ? This is a demonstration of our military power and our intelligence who, in spite of our demobilization, is still alive, and this is why we want you to obey. Those that follow, sons of bitches unionists of the USO (Syndical Union of Workers), sons of bitches leaders of the University of Cartagena and those that hide themselves in the private universities, have 20 days to get out of their city. Not a day more. If Petition 1. That the right to life and to political opposition of the social and student leaders of Cartagena be guarantied. 2. That Their be a real demobilization of paramilitarism instead of it's legalization. These facts demonstrate that the politic of "democratic security" and paramilitary actions are more demential today than ever, in Truth, Justice and integral Reparation to the victims of the student movement of Colombia! The Secretary of Human Rights of the ACEU (Association of Colombian University
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