Ociel Santi, Mapuche political prisoner: directly from prison (Chile)Anonyme, Domingo, Diciembre 17, 2006 - 22:44
December 14, 2006 In a public declaration submitted from the Lebu prison, Mapuche Political Prisoner Ociel Santi, of the community Nicolas Calbullanca, of the Lleu Lleu sector of the province of Arauco, makes a call out to all human rights organizations and to Mapuche communities to bear conscience of the repression on behalf of the State of Chile; to continue with their demands for the collective rights that they hold as ancestral people; and to refuse the hand-outs from the State. Source: RedChem, Meli Wixan Mapu Public Communiqué I, Ociel Santi, Mapuche Political Prisoner from Arauco, would like to share with the national and international public, human rights organizations, media outlets and particularly with civil society and the Mapuche people, the following: We the Mapuches have a way of thinking that is rooted in respect. We have a system of life that is different from the non-Mapuche world - which has not recognized the humiliation and marginalization that our people have suffered for over 500 years. Nevertheless, in many sectors of the wallmapu there remains a permanent demand for our political and cultural rights. Our communities, wounded by the loss of territory, even in a so-called democracy, suffer physical and psychological repression, in the form of terrifying threats and permanent political persecution. Therefore, it is extremely urgent that the government of Chile start to For this, I would like to call on the public, on human rights Lastly, I want to affirm that I am not a common political prisoner, but Lebu Prison, 2006 December 12th
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