
Squat Copenhagen : "Ungdomshuset: the final battle "

BRMJ, Viernes, Diciembre 8, 2006 - 14:20

wil on the ground

Basically, Ungdomshuset, the Youth’s House, is a four storey political and cultural centre.

Ungdomshuset is functioning as an alternative to a world causing conflicts between people. We know that we are not able to make a perfect society within this world, as its laws and restrictions are pressuring us and because we ourselves are also manipulated by its ways. The primary difference between the surrounding society and us is that we constantly fight the structures that causes problems betweens people –and you are free to join us!

Some will claim that our way will never work, but we have been functioning this way since 1982.

Report from Ungdomshuset:

Some weeks back, the court gave us the date when to leave the premises (they wish!) and they came up with the 14th of December. This means that after this date the cops can move in for an eviction at any point. We are not so naïve to think that we are guaranteed that they stay away until then. They have before come up with lame excuses for raiding the house and if they do so now, we are of the opinion that a house raid will equal an eviction, and we will react accordingly.

But the house is far from in a state of paranoia. There are more people in and around the house than there has been in a long time and the house is buzzing with activity, from early morning to, well, early morning. Apart from the usual business (concerts, soup kitchens, bar, cinema, etc), numerous actions are planned and executed, banners are being mass-produced, new barricades are being built by the score, old ones are reinforced and it’s a fucking great experience to go around the house and check out what the barricade building crew (now lovingly known as the BBC’s) now has come up with of new crazy ideas and brilliant defence mechanisms.

People from the house have been trying to negotiate with the city counsel, and right now the majority of the parties in the city-parliament are pro-ungdomshuset (a rather unfamiliar situation). The only problem is; that when the city sold the house (and thereby violating their contract with us) to the fundamentalist Christian sect “Faderhuset" they also gave complete control of the house to the nutcase sect-members. This means that the politicians can do absolutely nothing except trying to convince the sect to sell the house again which they haven’t succeeded in yet. And right now it seems that they have completely given up. Of course we always knew not to trust the promises of the politicians and we will keep preparing for the final battle of Ungdomshuset, and that will not be a quiet, nor civilized affair.

We hope for our comrades support and help when the times comes, and right now we’re planning 5 days of actions, concerts and demo’s from the December 13th to the 17th.

More info is available on and posters//flyers.

‘Hope to see you here !
No White flags – No surrender !
Ungdomshuset overgir’ sig aldrig !


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