Support Ban of Terminator Seeds – Before Dec 7/06bracewell, Jueves, Noviembre 30, 2006 - 14:48 Tell your MP to support a Ban on Terminator Seeds in Canada! Support Ban of Terminator Seeds – Before Dec 7/06 [ For fully linked version, see link below. On December 7th 2006 the House of Commons Agriculture and Agri-Food Committee will hold a one-hour hearing on Terminator technology. In March 2006 and February 2005, your letters stopped the Canadian government from acting to end the international moratorium on Terminator (“suicide seeds‿) at the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity. In March, the Canadian delegation to the UN meeting did not object to the reaffirmation and strengthening of the moratorium. Yet, our government supported the moratorium without actually stating a position on Terminator. Now we find out that the Canadian Food Inspection Agency is preparing the road for approval of Terminator! DEMAND that the Canadian Government state its unqualified opposition to this dangerous technology and take immediate steps to legislate a ban on field-testing and commercialization in Canada. Terminator or Genetic Use Restriction Technology (GURTs) is a technology of genetic engineering designed by the multinational seed industry to render seeds sterile after first harvest, thus preventing farmers from saving and re-using seed, forcing them to return to corporations to buy seed every season. This predatory strategy has been widely condemned, in Canada and across the world, because it threatens farmer livelihoods, food security, and agricultural biodiversity. And yet, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency continues to prepare for the potential introduction of Terminator seeds and there is no policy in Canada to address the devastating impacts Terminator would have on farmers’ livelihoods. UPDATES: WRITE TO your Member of Parliament (postage is free). FOR MORE BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND A SAMPLE LETTER: MAKE SURE TO COPY YOUR LETTER TO: Right Hon. Stephen Harper Wayne Easter, André Bellavance Alex Atamanenko ----------------- This action is organized by the Canadian Biotechnology Action Network http://www.cban.ca Please join us in the Campaign against Terminator seeds and other forms of corporate control over seeds. Lucy Sharratt, Coordinator item courtesy Ban Terminator Canada announcements list (NB: Received from: http://www.boilingfrog.ca/)
For fully linked version see
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