
Three-Way Fight: Armed Resistance and Militant Anti-Fascism

Anonyme, Martes, Noviembre 28, 2006 - 19:56

MAry HArttman

Many theoretical writings focus on armed resistance against the state-capitalist system, and the need for militantly opposing state imperialism and police repression. This “Us�? against “Them�? position has a lot of valid points, and we would by no means criticize the imperative nature of militant resistance against the state and capitalism in particular. However, this position neglects third parties that are also extremely hostile to bourgeois democracy and capitalism as they stand now, yet are no more sympathetic to our egalitarian, anti-authoritarian values: modern day fascism.

Three-Way Fight: Armed Resistance and Militant Anti-Fascism
By Rebel Jay C. Cornelius and Insurgente s.c. Rocinante

Many theoretical writings focus on armed resistance against the state-capitalist system, and the need for militantly opposing state imperialism and police repression. This “Us�? against “Them�? position has a lot of valid points, and we would by no means criticize the imperative nature of militant resistance against the state and capitalism in particular. However, this position neglects third parties that are also extremely hostile to bourgeois democracy and capitalism as they stand now, yet are no more sympathetic to our egalitarian, anti-authoritarian values: modern day fascism.

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