
MARCH FOR OAXACA! Mtl: Nov. 19th, 2pm

Emilia, Lunes, Noviembre 13, 2006 - 10:18

To support the resistance of the people of Oaxaca, the EZLN has called for a national and international campaign of popular resistance.

Show your solidarity from Montreal: Participate in the March of Solidarity with the Peoples of Oaxaca!

Sunday November 19th 2006
2 pm
From Norman Bethune Park
Outside of Guy-Concordia metro - corner Guy/Demaisonneuve
We will then march to Place Emilie Gamelin

5 pm Assembly, video, discussion in Cafe Utopik

See you there!

In support of the people of Oaxaca, represented by the APPO and
Section 22 of the Teachers Union, we denounce the military and police repression inflicted upon them and support their just demands:

We demand:
- The removal of Governor Ulises Ruiz
- The liberation of all political prisoners
- The immediate withdrawal of the Military Police-PFP from Oaxaca
- Justice for those physically and morally responsable for the deaths
-The reappearance of the disappeared.

To support the resistance of the people of Oaxaca, the EZLN has called for a national and international campaign of popular resistance.

Show your solidarity from Montreal: Participate in the March of Solidarity with the Peoples of Oaxaca!

Sunday November 19th 2006
2 pm
From Norman Bethune Park
Outside of Guy-Concordia metro - corner Guy/Demaisonneuve
We will then march to Place Emilie Gamelin

5 pm Assembly, video, discussion in Cafe Utopik

See you there!

More info: La Otra Campana - Mtl:

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