"Philippine President" Gloria Macapagal Arroyo is the Coddler of CriminalsAnonyme, Domingo, Octubre 15, 2006 - 02:24 (Reportage ind. / Ind. news report | Democratie | Droits / Rights / Derecho | Repression | Resistance & Activism | Solidarite internationale)
LABAN NG MASA (Struggle of the Masses)
Yesterday, former University of the Philippines president and Laban ng Masa (Struggle of the Masses) Chairperson, Dr. Francisco "Dodong" Nemenzo, Jr and ten others were charged with obstruction of justice for allegedly harboring fugitive rebel soldiers belonging to the Magdalo group which the government believed to be involved in the July 2003 failed coup. While the country is still feeling the chilling effects of the Arroyo government´s `state of national emergency´ aimed at quelling the popular protest against her illegitimate rule, Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (GMA) is up on an offensive mood once again. Yesterday, former University of the Philippines president and Laban ng Masa (Struggle of the Masses) Chairperson, Dr. Francisco "Dodong" Nemenzo, Jr and ten others were charged with obstruction of justice for allegedly harboring fugitive rebel soldiers belonging to the Magdalo group which the government believed to be involved in the July 2003 failed coup. "This is not only a preposterous accusation but a clear attempt to discredit the legitimate opposition by linking known leaders of civil society to alleged coup plotters," Dr. Nemenzo said. "If there is someone who is guilty of coddling criminals, it is no other than GMA herself. Her government has the reputation of compromising with law breakers," he added. Who obviously aided former Commision on Election (COMELEC) Commissioner Emilio Garcillano in escaping public scrutiny in the height of the "Hello, Garci" controversy? Just recently, Department of Justice (DOJ) senior prosecutor had attempted to broker a deal for Nicole to withdraw her rape case against four U.S. servicemen in order to the delay the extradition of Joc-Joc Bolante who has expressed willingness to testify against the government on the fertilizer scam. Malacañang is undeniably behind the decision of the Ombudsman to absolve COMELEC officials in the anomalous MEGA-PACIFIC Contract despite the Supreme Court ruling in 2004 declaring this transaction as illegal and a gross violation of public bidding procedures. There were also insinuations before that the Arroyo administration already forged agreement with the Marcoses to clear them from plunder cases in exchange for their political support. Laban ng Masa strongly denounces the political harassment against Dr. Nemenzo and all political activists. It proves once more the Arroyo´s desperate desire to cling on to power by silencing her critics and attempting to institute a more repressive rule. We are also calling all freedom loving citizen and civil organizations to be vigilant and to stand united in continuously exposing and opposing the Arroyo government. PRESS RELEASE Contact:
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