Softwood workers latest victims of David EmersonAnonyme, Viernes, Octubre 13, 2006 - 08:57 (Analyses)
David Campbell
Softwood workers now the victims of Emerson's get CANFOR rich scheme. Canfor receive 4.3 billion and softwood workers [article on 'ottawacitizen'>>] The softwood deal is signed, within days of this 8 Mills have closed and 1500 people have lost their jobs. Canfor (Emerson previously CEO) will receive its 4.3 billion refund and Emerson is thinking about going back to private industry. I this really shows how money can buy our politians , and the voters of our democracy, the workers, us canadians have all been shafted. I hope History documents this issue as it has happened and that Emerson is seen as one of the lowest points in our Canadian history and democracy. I would at think at least 1500 Canadian lumber workers now have a reason to sign the petition (see link below)
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