Shell in Mayo: Your Support Urgently requiredAnonyme, Miércoles, Octubre 11, 2006 - 12:16
Irish police and Shell workers have forced an entrance to Shell's self-declared property at Bellinaboy. Urgent action on an international level is needed. Shell in Mayo: Your Support Urgently required Early this morning a large force of Gardaí (Irish police) forced their way through protestors blocking the entrance to the Shell’s Bellinaboy refinery site. Since the beginning of last week there has been a buildup of Gardaí, including riot in the area. On Tuesday 26th September, Gardaí made their first attempt to force their way through to allow Shell employees to access the site, but did not succeed. This latest escalation signals a commitment on the part of Shell, and the Gardaí who are now acting as their private security service, to using force to crush local opposition to the Corrib gas pipeline. Irish law and the Irish Constitution have been suspended in Rossport, with power being given to the Gardaí to seal off roads, confiscate vehicles and recording equipment, and attack Irish citizens at the behest of a vicious and unscrupulous oil corporation. Some photos/media files are now available: http://www.indymedia.ie/article/78788 http://www.rte.ie/news/2006/1003/corrib.html ll Your help is urgently required. IDEAS FOR ACTION: ➢ Write / e-mail / phone Irish embassies abroad ➢ Come to Erris, Mayo - join the protests and pickets ➢ Mobilise your community/groups/parties. Use your contacts. ➢ Organise local vigils, pickets, protests (Shell/Statoil/Govt. Parties...) ➢ Put pressure on the Norwegian government and media (Statoil owners) ➢ Join the Rossport solidarity camp (info: http://www.struggle.ws/rsc ) ➢ Call/text radio shows (media directory http://www.medialive.ie) ➢ Fundraise or donate to the Shell to Sea campaign and/or Solidarity camp ➢ Write to local/regional/national papers ➢ Call/visit your local TD/Councillor. Demand action and answers! ➢ Express your outrage to the Gardai press office ➢ Engage your friends, family, community in the issue. Discuss at (courtesy of Shell to Sea Campaign): http://corribsos.com ➢ SIGN OUR PETITION AT: http://www.petitiononline.com/mayopet1/petition.html Visit our site at: http://tara-foundation.org |
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