Saddam Hussein no witness in Dutch genocide trial?forpressfound, Lunes, Octubre 9, 2006 - 09:29 (Reportage ind. / Ind. news report | Droits / Rights / Derecho | Guerre / War | Media: Liberte/Freedom | Repression)
Henk Ruyssenaars, Foreign Press Foundtion
The US, Genocide and Saddam Hussein's memory: "The United States edited out more than 8000 crucial pages of Iraq's 11,800-page dossier on weapons, before passing on a sanitised version to the 10 non-permanent members of the United Nations security council." DEMONSTRATION IN FRONT OF THE COURT OF JUSTICE IN THE HAGUE Henk Ruyssenaars - Foreign correspondent. FPF - Amsterdam October 9th 2006 - Dutch 'Ali Chemicali' Frans van Anraat last December got a jail sentence of 15 years, accused and found guilty of war crimes, the selling of chemical weapons to Saddam Hussein. Now van Anraat wants the also jailed Iraqi president as a witness in his court of appeal case, his lawyer Peter van Schaik confirmed on Monday. It is understood however by insiders, that Hussein never will be allowed to show up nor witness in The Hague in a court case like this. Dutchman van Anraat was the errand boy for some intelligence services, via the Dutch AIVD 'security service' for the CIA/Mossad as well, and salesman in Iraq of the banned weapons for the big multinationals, which later on decided to make him the 'fall guy'. He's quite silent now... The compliant Dutch judges overlook the fact that for instance the gassing of the people in the village of Halabja was done with gas made in the US, sold to Saddam via van Anraat, their Dutch sales agent. So who is to blame for the genocides - the genocide of 180.000 Kurds too - apart from van Anraat? He got 15 years in jail to make him shut up, but van Anraat was not found guilty of genocide... DEMONSTRATION IN FRONT OF THE COURT OF JUSTICE The US junta will never allow the Dutch to let Saddam Hussein explain whom the US and other international firms were, delivering the forbidden weapons, and his own 'show trial' restarts today in Baghdad. In The Hague the ''Halabja centre against genocide and Anfal of the Kurdish people'' (CHAK) on Monday organised a demonstration in front of the building of the Court of Justice. According to the independent Kurdish newspaper Hawlati, Umer Mihemed, the spokesman of CHAK in Kurdistan: "We call every organisation, patriotic Kurds and human rights activists to attend the demonstration in The Hague so that Kurdish genocide can be recognised and justice can be done by the court against Van Anraat." Because it was American gas that killed in Halabja as I wrote last April: it were chemicals and gas from the United States - sold by their Dutch 'Ali Chemicali' - which in March 1988 also killed the people in Halabja. It's all very well documented in the court's papers. But as usual and via all disinformation channels, the US war machine's propaganda press keeps indoctrinating the world that former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein is the greatest Beast ever. He's not only the 'Butcher of Baghdad' but also the 'Horrible Holocauster of Halabja'. And, of course: Saddam Hussein was a bad ruler in many ways, but all the time - and like many other killing despots - he was one of the best allies the US military industrial complex had. And the US, together with the NSA/CIA, supported Saddam in every way in his atrocious war against Iran. Trained, fed and paid him for his misdeeds, and that included gassing people. SADDAM WAS A GOOD DICTATOR AND FRIEND OF AMERICA And while Saddam used US supplied gas etc.: "In 1988 Saddam Hussein with chemical and biological weapons was an ally of the West, lauded even by former vice-presidential candidate U.S. Senator Joseph Lieberman, as a good dictator and friend of America. As long as Saddam showered Iranian troops with mustard and nerve gas, and developed germs to infect Iran, that, by Washington's utilitarian morality, was A-OK." - (Eric Margolis, Foreign Correspondent, March 29, 2002 - Url.: http://www.bigeye.com/032902.htm) "According to a 1990 report, "The Poison Gas Connection," issued by the L.A.-based Simon Wiesenthal Center (See sidebar), more than 207 companies from 21 western countries, including at least 18 from the United States, contributed to the buildup of Saddam Hussein's arsenal. Subsequent investigations turned up more than 100 more companies participating in the Iraqi weapons buildup." (Dennis Bernstein, Puritan News weekly, February 25, 1998 http://www.puritans.net/news/wmd030703.htm). - And the Wiesenthal Center and other PNAC researchers really recognize who foments a Holocaust when they see one...* THE STENCH OF HYPOCRISY Of course, and as usual, the whole matter stinks, as already Robert Fisk wrote: "The other smell I recall this week is the stink of hypocrisy when - in 1990 - the world's statesmen began to whip their people into line for war against the man they had supported in his conflict against Iran. The French had sold Saddam Mirage jets. The Germans had provided him with the gas that had me almost wretching on the train from Ahwaz. The Americans had sold him helicopters for spraying crops with pesticide (the "crops", of course, being human beings). The British gave Saddam bailey bridges. And I later met the Cologne arms dealer who flew from the Pentagon to Baghdad with U.S. satellite photos of the Iranian front lines - to help Saddam kill more Iranians. " (Robert Fisk, Independent, February 16, 1998 - Url.: http://www.chss.montclair.edu/english/furr/pol/indep212.html). AND HOW DID THE PNAC'S PROPAGANDA PRESS HELP TO HIDE THE FACTS? The solution for the PNAC pack and their propaganda press was easy: The United States tore out 8000 pages out of the Iraq dossier for the UN! So for all collaborators worldwide 'the need to report disappeared'. But, that was not the case with the 'very underreported' story in the Sunday Herald on 22 December 2002, written by James Cusick and Felicity Arbuthnot: "The United States edited out more than 8000 crucial pages of Iraq's 11,800-page dossier on weapons, before passing on a sanitised version to the 10 non-permanent members of the United Nations security council. OMISSIONS' IN THE DOCUMENT CONSTITUTED A 'MATERIAL BREACH The full extent of Washington's complete control over who sees what in the crucial Iraqi dossier called into question the allegations made by US Secretary of State Colin Powell, that 'omissions' in the document constituted a 'material breach' of the latest UN resolution on Iraq. - [http://tinyurl.com/5afvh] But the whole propaganda press treated Powell's lies is if it were the truth, even if this Uncle Tom and his ilk behind the UN scene had been ripping out the evidence concerning also the US's crimes against humanity, by selling weapons of mass destruction to Saddam. The proof that a Maryland firm was one of them who for decades had been selling the chemicals for mustard gas and other BC-weapons, turned up again last December in the court case against the American's Dutch agent van Anraat who sold the deadly US products, but disappeared in the 'Memory Hole'. The worst chutzpah again came from the UN's PNAC side: ''The UN suspects he made 36 separate shipments of chemicals via the Belgian port of Antwerp through Aqaba in Jordan to Iraq'', the prosecution parroted the US spin. He forgot to mention - like the Dutch propaganda press - that also Belgium, The Netherlands and Jordan are full grown PNAC colonies, already enslaved for ages. And like with the ripped out proof of US complicity and guilt in the Halabja gassing: the rest was silence, or silenced... LOS ANGELES TIMES: "AMERICAN-BUILT HELICOPTERS'' WERE USED TO GAS KURDISH CIVILIANS To give just one last example: "In 1984, the State Department arranged for the sale of 45 Bell 214ST helicopters to Iraq. Four years later The Los Angeles Times reported that "American-built helicopters'' were used to gas Kurdish civilians. In March 1988 up to 6,800 Kurds were gassed to death in Halabja by Hussein's troops. In response the U.S. State Department attempted, according to a recent report in The International Herald Tribune, to place blame for the gassing also on the Iranians despite no evidence of Iranian involvement. When the UN Security Council passed a resolution to censure the Halabja attack it called on "both sides to refrain from the future use of chemical weapons." [end quote] - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/anxcn If you read the last sentence again, you smell how it all stinks. Confirming who the real war criminals are. So there are many reasons why Saddam Hussein will never be seen as a witness in a Dutch courtroom. Looking at Milosevic, who was 'suicided' in The Hague: maybe it's better for Saddam's health... HR RELATED: * THE UNITED STATES TORE OUT 8000 PAGES OUT OF THE IRAQ DOSSIER FOR THE UN - Url.: http://www.sundayherald.com/30195 * US: 'BABY HOLOCAUST' DEFENDED: Former U.S. PNAC-Secr. of State Madeleine Albright-Korbel, 10 years ago in her comment on the at least HALF A MILLION dead children in Iraq, which now is estimated at ONE MILLION MORE BY UNICEF: "WE THINK THE PRICE IS WORTH IT" - On CBS '60 Minutes' - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/2vmc8 * PRESENT AND PAST - UNICEF reports on another PNAC HOLOCAUST: the under-5 infant mortality for 2003 was 110,000 in occupied Iraq, 292,000 in occupied Afghanistan. Gideon Polya: 'Non-reportage of US-linked infant mass mortality' - December 23, 2004 - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/rb3rx * FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.: http://liimirror.warwick.ac.uk/uscode/17/107.html FOREIGN PRESS FOUNDATION -0-
Sunday Herald: 'America tore out 8000 pages of Iraq dossier'
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