North Korea says conducted nuclear test: Promises war on US soilforpressfound, Lunes, Octubre 9, 2006 - 03:01
Henk Ruyssenaars, Foreign Press Foundation
US hostility, threats and sanctions are the very engines that have propelled the development of nuclear weapons. It's quite obvious and apparently Washington's 'long war' message: if you as a state or people want to survive, you better get nuclear bombs. FPF: Secret US nuclear weapons also in your backyard?* SPEAK WITH SMALL WORDS BUT CARRY A NUCLEAR STICK? "North Korea says conducted nuclear test" By Jack Kim - Reuters - Seoul (S-Korea) Monday, October 9th, 2006 - North Korea said on Monday it had safely and successfully carried out an underground nuclear test in a gesture of defiance as Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe arrived in South Korea. "The nuclear test was conducted with indigenous wisdom and technology 100 percent," North Korea's Korean Central News Agency said. "It marks a historic event as it greatly encouraged and pleased the KPA (Korean People's Army) and people that have wished to have powerful self-reliant defense capability." The report said there was no leak or danger from the test - (Since all governments lie: can we check that ourselves, please? - HR) The U.N. Security Council last Friday urged North Korea not to carry out a test, warning Pyongyang of unspecified consequences if it did. The dollar rose to a seven-month high against the yen after the reports but analysts did not expect long-term fallout unless the situation deteriorated further. "The economy of North Korea is virtually closed from the rest of the world and its regional impact won't be very significant unless there was a major military confrontation," said Wang Qing, an economist at Bank of America in Hong Kong. South Korea's presidential Blue House said a tremor of magnitude 3.58 to 3.7 had been detected in North Korea at 0135 GMT on Monday. - However, the U.S. Geological Survey said it had detected no seismic activity such as might be expected from a nuclear test on the Korean peninsula within the past 48 hours. Abe, speaking in Seoul after arriving from an ice-breaking visit to Beijing, also said Japan had no confirmation of a test by North Korea. A U.S. official said North Korea gave China a 20-minute warning of its test and China immediately told the United States, Japan and South Korea. Officials in China had no immediate comment. SECURITY MEETING IN SEOUL In South Korea, President Roh Moo-hyun was holding an emergency meeting of top security officials at the Blue House following the announcement. Tokyo backs a hard line toward Pyongyang, while Seoul and Beijing -- leery of instability on the peninsula -- have previously cautioned against backing the North into a corner. However, all three agree that Pyongyang should end its nearly year-long boycott of six-country talks on ending its nuclear weapons program. North Korea announced last week it would test a nuclear device saying its hand was forced by what it called U.S. threats of nuclear war and economic sanctions. But it said it would not be the first to use a nuclear weapon. Analysts say North Korea probably has enough fissile material to make six to eight nuclear bombs but probably does not have the technology to devise one small enough to mount on a missile." [andend] - Reuters - Url.: tinyurl.com/jxzvr Knowing the FPF readers are well wired to connect the dots, here's the other side of the North Korean medal: KIM'S MESSAGE: WAR IS COMING TO US SOIL By Kim Myong Chol - ("Unofficial" spokesman of Kim Jong-il and North Korea.) "It is sheer illusion to think that sanctions and isolation will stop North Korea from the planned nuclear test. US hostility, threats and sanctions are the very engines that have propelled the development of nuclear weapons. Absent US hostility, nuclear blackmailing, sanctions, threats of isolation and regime change, the Kim administration would never have thought at all of acquiring nuclear deterrence." [end quote] - Pls read the rest here at Url.: www.informationclearinghouse.info/index.html "INFORMATION CLEARING HOUSE" (link above) IS ONE OF THE BEST INFO SOURCES AT PRESENT THROUGH AN ARRAY OF ARTICLES, VIDEOS ETC. AFTER A CRASHED HARD DISK IT'S JUST GONE BACK ONLINE TODAY. (THANKs TOM!) But, thinking early in the morning: if the North Koreans in their fear of being treated by the US/Israeli war machine would pack and explode say ten thousand kilos of TNT and say it was a nuclear bomb test, the US and other seismologists immediately would say it's a 'normal' explosion of a lot of TNT or similar. Another possibility however- and knowing which wave of god forsaken propaganda the US war machine pours out over the world every day - is that the PNAC 'crazies' in Washington, even knowing it were 'conventional' explosives, hypocritically would shout: aren't they horrible those 'gooks' and commies? With their nuclear armament ''endangering world peace''? [Time poll: US is the biggest threat - Url.: www.time.com/time/europe/gdml/peace2003.html] But look at the US war machine and it's mercenaries, the only ones ever to use nuclear bombs on human beings, in Nagasaki and Hiroshima. And as foreign policy secretly thereafter spreading nukes all over the world, contrary to by the US also signed non-proliferation agreements. The rogues managing Israel with all it's nukes and BC-weapons have never even been asked to sign the Non Proliferation Treaty, NPT, which Iran has done years ago. The European Union nor the IAEA dares to. The UN's so called 'nuclear watchdog' IAEA, which actually is a US/UN nuclear power 'sales office' guarding the nuclear power industry's own interests, with US satellites overhead and it's IAEA inspectors (with CIA and Mossad involved) on the ground, has been controlling Iran 24/7 for years, and still the 'crazies' in Washington want to attack? NO ILLEGAL US ATTACK ON NORTH KOREA? The spokeswomen and -men of Kim Jong-il and North Korea are not to be trusted, we've daily been told since the '50's Korean war - most via the series MASH - filled the TV screens.* BUT WHY THE HELL WOULD ANYBODY BELIEVE THE SPOKESMEN- AND WOMEN FOR THE US EMPIRE AND IT'S WAR MACHINE? WHICH HAVE BEEN LYING FOR AS LONG AS MOST OF US CAN REMEMBER? One thing is very clear, and that's Washington's 'long war' message: if you as a state or people want to survive, you better get nuclear bombs. North Korea is thus the latest to announce that 'it has the Bomb'. Whether this is true or not; it is a clear indication that threatening with nuclear bombs is the only way to keep the American war machine out of one's backyard. That's why the - right wing - phrase: "Rather an A-bomb in my garden, than a Russian in my kitchen'', is remodeled based on a similar expression forty years ago, with the 'Russian in the garden' having been replaced by 'any mercenary of the US/Israeli war machine and it's war criminals in the US/NATO's 'Coalition of the Killing'. 'SECRET' US NUCLEAR WEAPONS: TARGETS ON BASES IN EUROPE* Like I wrote earlier: in the Netherlands documents* revealed a specific number of nuclear warheads which, under US and NATO war plans, will be 'proliferated' - meaning transferred to US non nuclear allies to be delivered to targets by their warplanes. If war were to break out in Europe, as many as 180 nuclear bombs would be earmarked for delivery by the air forces of Belgium, the Netherlands, Turkey, Germany and Italy, the report said. The weapons are part of a 480 warhead nuclear arsenal the United States kept in Europe in the wake of the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. The arsenal, according to the study, is being kept (sometimes secret) at eight air force bases* in Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Turkey and Britain. The arrangement, the council insists, “skirts international law�? - meaning: it's a criminal act and punishable in normal times - because the 'Nonproliferation Treaty' prohibits a nuclear state from transferring nuclear weapons to a non-weapon state, and prohibits a non-nuclear state from receiving such weapons.'' The nuclear weapons make all and everybody a target, with the radioactive fall-out killing us all. Most slowly. And now again an inhuman Pentagon regime with it's warmongers, forces others to speak with small voices, so they start carrying big but nuclear sticks. The US is bombing itself back to the Stone Age, their Götterdämmerung: let's hope they are not taking along too many. HR Some Footnotes/links: * 'Secret' US nuclear weapons: targets on bases in Europe - Url.: tinyurl.com/bsm3x * Study by the Natural Resources Defense Council - Url.: tinyurl.com/4djkl * FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: MEMORANDUM FOR COMMANDER, 752nd MUNITIONS SUPPORT SQUADRON (752 MUNSS) - Volkel AB, The Netherlands - Url.: tinyurl.com/4etty * Bombs not only in the Dutch Backyard: Bases and Facilities with Significant Current or Historical U.S. Nuclear Weapons or Naval Nuclear Propulsion Missions: Url.: tinyurl.com/4aqfm * NUCLEAR HOLOCAUST for you too - Depleted Uranium for Dummies - Url.: www.notinkansas.us * The B61 nuclear weapons - Url.: www.avhub.net/b61.htm * U.S. B61 bombs in Europe, 2004 - Url.: tinyurl.com/3qjhc * Dutch War Criminals in Court - Url.: tinyurl.com/6dfkv * MASH FILLED THE TV SCREENS - Url.: tinyurl.com/rk9kw * Google search: ''How to make a nuclear bomb'' - take your pick - Url.: tinyurl.com/5zy6f * Götterdämmerung- referring to a disastrous conclusion of events - Url.: tinyurl.com/pwfda FOREIGN PRESS FOUNDATION -0-
Information Clearing House (very good web site)
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