Labor Day attack of at least 3 Six Nations/Mohawk communities plannedAnonyme, Sábado, Agosto 26, 2006 - 23:18
Kahentinetha Horn
MNN. Aug. 23, 2006. Disturbing information has come to light. Canada, Ontario and the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) are coordinating plans for a vigilante-type assault on at least three Indigenous communities, Six Nations, Tyendinaga and Akwesasne. Six Nations/Mohawk people are being targeted for speaking out against Canada’s theft of and encroachment on our land. The Ontario government and the cops are organizing the “brown shirts" (Heil Hitler!). A warning has gone out to Indigenous Warriors to be on the watch for this threatened attack on Labor Day, September 3rd.
In a copy of the minutes of the “Caledonia Citizens Alliance" (CCA) which
meets regularly, they discussed arming themselves and said that the OPP
gave them the nod of approval. In June the Ontario government gave them
$1.78 million to keep their [monkey] businesses going – rioting,
attacking, smashing, throwing garbage and beer bottles, swearing, pepper
spraying and threatening to kill the Six Nations people at the reclamation
site. Despite the large number of incidents of assault and vandalism that
took place in front of OPP eyes, not one non-native person has been
charged. Native people who reacted in self-defense were (charged). Then
the CCA got another $560,000 grant. Is this what the taxpayers of Canada
and Ontario want to pay for?
In the 1930’s Hitler organized the brown shirts to attack his enemies. He
put uniforms on these roving gangs of thugs. These hooligans beat up and
killed Hitler’s enemies. Who are we Indigenous people the enemies of
today? Big business and greedy developers, that’s who! Later the brown
shirts became the Gestapo and the SS. This is how Hitler took over
Germany. This is what Canadians have to look forward to if they don’t stop
this now. Totalitarian regimes start out this way.
In the past there have been high profile prosecutions of people who were
convicted for hate mongering. Remember Ernst Zundel? In Caledonia
pamphlets supporting the KKK were placed in every Canada Post mail box at
Six Nations. No charges were laid. To our knowledge no investigation was
conducted. This is why we are alarmed.
According to our constitution, we have a right to defend ourselves by any
means necessary. Wampum 61 provides that in case a great calamity
threatens the generations rising and living of the Five Nations, then he
who is able to climb to the top of the Tree of the Great Long leaves
(White Pine) may do so. When he reaches the top of the Tree, he shall look
about in all directions and should he see evil things indeed approaching,
then he shall call to the people of the Five United Nations assembled
beneath the Tree of the Great Peace and say: “A calamity threatens your
Then shall the Chiefs convene in Council and discuss the impending evil.
When all the truths relating to the trouble shall be fully known and found
to be truths, then shall the people seek a tree of kahnonkaahkons, the
great swamp elm tree and when they shall find it they shall assemble their
heads together and lodge for a time between its roots. Then, their labors
being finished, they may hope for happiness for many more days after.
This is ancient man’s way of warning the people to be ever on the alert to
danger, discuss it and do something about it.
Presently colonial governments are hysterical over the repossession of our
land, air and water. The two Women Title Holders who seized the 50
windmills that Canadian Hydro Developers illegally built on the Haldimand
Tract have caused misery to corporate Canada. Canada is concerned that
this seizure could lead to other repossessions by the Indigenous people
everywhere. The laws and agreements support the Indigenous people. So
Canada has to go outside the law to have its way.
Ontario’s evil plan is to send these gangs into our communities to beat us
up, smash our cars, burn down our houses, kill us if necessary and
generally create fear and chaos.
These “brown shirts" have been meeting with Federal, Ontario government
officials, developers, disaffected people, U.S. Homeland Security and
CSIS. They want to have the Warriors Society declared a terrorist
organization and a threat to the United States' and Canada’s national
security. The Warrior Society has never been linked with any kind of
terrorist activity.
We are very concerned with the information we have been receiving because
we know this kind of tactic has been used before. In 1890 the media was
used to fuel anger towards native people by falsely accusing our people of
killing the settlers. This lead to the slaughter of 350 men, women and
children at Wounded Knee. In 1974 at the Wounded Knee takeover, one AK-47
was found in the camp brought in by a returning native Vietnam veteran.
The U.S. government used this to claim that American Indian Movement (AIM)
was armed by communists. This lead to the 74-day siege which lead to many
arrests, injuries and even deaths.
In 1975 Dick Wilson and his goons, set up by the FBI, terrorized and
killed hundreds of residents of Pine Ridge reservation in South Dakota for
resisting oppression. The same methods were carried out against AIM. Those
who committed the murders were never tried. Charges against those found
guilty were dropped or lessened.
The Oka Crisis happened one hundred years after Wounded Knee. Rabble
rousing tactics were used again. Quebec police kept a cavalcade of cars
carrying sick and elderly people trapped on the Mercier Bridge for hours.
Then a mob collected. When they drove off the bridge, the mob pelted the
cars and the people with rocks. Once again, only one person was convicted
even though the actions of many of the vandals were caught on videotape.
[See “Rocks at Whiskey Trench", NFB].
In 1995 the police wanted to start an incident that would justify their
intervention of a peaceful religious ceremony involving only 25 people,
mostly women and children. They started by creating an atmosphere of
hysteria and got a mob going. This is a tactic that is used against us
over and over again. It’s nothing new.
At Burnt Church in Nova Scotia they got non-native fishermen to attack
Mi’kmaq. That way they didn’t have to negotiate with the Indians’ on their
legitimate issues.
Citizens have always been used to do their dirty work. Ontario media
continually spins stories about “threats to the non-natives". The
organizers know how to stir up hate and racism. They’re depending on this.
Now that they know that the Supreme Court of Canada, the Ipperwash
Inquiry, the Royal Commission on Aboriginal People, Amnesty International
and the United Nations have all denounced police oppression of Indigenous
people in Canada, they’re going back to old Hitler tactics.
Concern for the “security of the non-native population" will be the reason
for spreading terror among the Indians. They want us to become too scared
to speak the truth. None of the blame for the intimidation and violence
will go onto the OPP and the Ontario government, even though they are
behind it. None of their hired hands will be arrested, only those natives
who resist. As the evidence that came out at Gustafsen Lake demonstrated,
police agencies in Canada have been practicing covert dirty tricks for a
long time now.
What are Canada and Ontario afraid of? They are afraid of the law and the
enforcement of the law, as the Indigenous people have been demanding. The
laws, agreements and treaties favor the Indians. They want to go outside
the law. That is why they are organizing mobs to attack Indians.
Why are they going after the Six Nations/Mohawks? We are the titleholders
in northeast Turtle Island. They want to assert their dominion over us and
to shut us up. They want to break the agreements, treaties, covenants of
peace and the Two Row Wampum between the British, Canada, the U.S. and the
Six Nations. These are the very instruments that helped them promote
themselves as legal countries.
What do we do? We have to warn all Indians across Turtle Island. It is a
concerted effort to dispossess all Indians. The blood lust of these
hooligans will only be satiated by going after more Indian blood. It is
sanctioned from the top. The Ipperwash Inquiry into the cold-blooded
killing of Dudley George for defending his land showed governments and
cops how they can get away with murder. The only way to have this land is
when we don’t exist. We were supposed to be exterminated. Some people
haven’t given up on this genocidal plan.
There are some honest people in the Ontario and Canadian governments. You
can be sure that the covert operations are carefully hidden. There is,
however, always the possibility some of the brown shirts and others have
some compassion and intelligence. We are hoping that some will come
forward with evidence that is impossible to ignore. Those who are honest
can expose those who have been misappropriating Canadian public funds and
breaking the laws. Hate mongering and violence are against the law in
Canada. Someone can be a hero and put a stop to this. Does anyone have
access to anyone who has the authority to stop this evil plan?
[ EDIT (Mic. Lessard, for the CMAQ) * made title small caps (it's a matter of principle) * placed as Newswire and on CMAQ's front page * fixed doubled summary * corrected encoding errors where " become ?? * put coordinates in the Author, Mail, Link zones ]
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