
Six Nations: Land repossession and resistance

Anonyme, Viernes, Agosto 25, 2006 - 11:55
2006-08-31 18:00

Thursday, August 31, 6pm
Native Friendship Center
2001 St-Laurent
(St-Laurent and Ontario,
metro St-Laurent)

Committee in Solidarity with Six Nations (Montreal)

a movie and info night on the struggle at Six Nations

5$ and up (no one will be turned away at door)
All proceeds go to Six Nations [whisper translation to French and Spanish]

--> Opening by Stuart Myiow, from the Kahnawake Mohawk Traditional

--> Documentary filim screening: "Day Zero"
Produced by John Jeez and Nahnda Hill of Six Nations, "Day Zero" is an
unreleased film which documents the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP)
raid of April 20th which attempted to evict indigenous activists from
the land, using tear gas and taser darts, and arresting 16 people.

--> Featured presentation by Jacqueline House of Six Nations
Jacqueline House is one of the women to first reposess what was to be
"Douglas Creek Estates". She is also one of the spokespersons for what
is now Kanehstaton (the Protected Place).

--> Further presentations by people of the Six Nations Land Reclamation

Co-sponsored and endorsed by: The Native Friendship Center-Montreal,
Indigenous Peoples Solidarity Movement (IPSM), No One is
Illegal-Montreal, Solidarity Across Borders, International Solidarity
Movement-Montreal, Projet Accompagnement Solidarité Colombie (PASC),
CKUT Community News Collective and others.


Background on Kanehstaton:
On February 28th, 2006, the Haudenosaunee people of Six Nations stood
up against further confiscation of their land and set up a camp on a
housing development construction site located adjacent to Caledonia,
Ontario. Six months later, the people of Six Nations, accompanied by
Onkwehonweh people from across Turtle Island, have successfully
maintained a presence on the land , confronting, all at once, Canadian
colonialism, the criminalization of indigenous resistance and vile
settler racism.

For further information on the Six Nations Land Reclamation:

INFO: 514-398-6788
Documentos adjuntosTamaño
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Michael Lessard...
Dom, 2006-08-27 20:44

* title in small caps
* had to enter right time (18:00) in ALL three places :(
* selected proper Time Zone (Est -5)
* put e-mail in proper zone

Michaël Lessard [me laisser un message]
Militant pour les droits humains.
Siriel-Média: média libre sur les 'politiques de destruction massive'

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