
US/Israeli Genocide in Lebanon: open letter by former PM

forpressfound, Lunes, Agosto 7, 2006 - 06:12

By Salim El Hoss, former prime minister of Lebanon
The Daily Star, August 3, 2006

Mr. President: You are indeed a terrorist practicing the worst variant of terrorism as you condone the annihilation of my country, precluding a cease-fire to be announced, supporting the aggression against my people politically and diplomatically and bolstering 'Israel's' destructive arsenal with the most lethal weaponry.

AN OPEN LETTER TO THE AMERICAN PRESIDENT BY SALIM EL HOSS By Salim El Hoss, former prime minister of Lebanon The Daily Star, August 3, 2006 Dear Mr. Bush, We heard you express your regrets regarding the casualties of "Israel's" ravaging war against my country, Lebanon. I hope you have been furnished with a true profile of the atrocities being perpetrated in my country. You pose as being at war with terrorism. Let me honestly tell you: Charity starts at home. "ISRAEL" IS WANTONLY INDULGING IN THE MOST HORRENDOUS FORMS OF TERRORISM IN LEBANON: INDISCRIMINATELY KILLING INNOCENT CIVILIANS AT RANDOM; NOT SPARING CHILDREN, ELDERLY OR HANDICAPPED PEOPLE; DEMOLISHING BUILDINGS OVER THEIR RESIDENTS' HEADS; AND DESTROYING ALL INFRASTRUCTURE, ROADS, BRIDGES, WATER AND POWER ARTERIES, HARBORS, AIR STRIPS AND STORAGE FACILITIES. Nothing moving on the highways is spared, not even ambulances, trucks, trailers, cars or even motorcycles, all in violation of the Geneva Conventions and human rights. The displaced population has reached more than one fourth of the total population of my country - all suffering the harshest and most miserable of conditions. THE VICTIMS INCLUDE THOUSANDS OF KILLED AND MAIMED. IF THIS IS NOT TERRORISM, WHAT IS? "Israel's" savage assault has been labeled retribution for Hizbullah's abduction of two Israeli soldiers. This smacks of collective punishment, which constitutes a brazen violation of the Geneva Conventions and human rights. Furthermore, the alibi is far from plausible. The two Israeli soldiers were abducted for the express purpose of reaching a swap of hostages with "Israel". In fact, "Israel" had acceded more than once to such swaps in the past. Why would a swap of prisoners be acceptable at one time and a taboo, rather a casus belli, at anothe r? This created a conviction among the Lebanese that the sweeping assault against them was premeditated, and the abduction was only a tenuous excuse. "ISRAEL" IS INDULGING IN TERRORISM AT ITS WORST, AT ITS UGLIEST, USING THE MOST LETHAL AND SOPHISTICATED WEAPONS YOU HAVE SUPPLIED THEM. We the Lebanese are justified in seeing in "Israel" as a most atrocious terrorist power, and seeing in you a direct partner. Mr. President: You are indeed a terrorist practicing the worst variant of terrorism as you condone the annihilation of my country, precluding a cease-fire to be announced, supporting the aggression against my people politically and diplomatically and bolstering "Israel's" destructive arsenal with the most lethal weaponry. MR. PRESIDENT: YOU ARE NOT FOOLING ANYBODY WITH YOUR ALLEGED WAR AGAINST TERRORISM. IN OUR PERSPECTIVE, YOU AND "ISRAEL" ARE THE MOST UNSCRUPULOUS TERRORISTS ON EARTH. IF YO U WANT TO FIGHT TERRORISM, WE SUGGEST THAT YOU START WITH YOUR ADMINISTRATION AND YOUR HIDEOUS ALLY, "ISRAEL". You repeatedly claim that "Israel" is acting in self-defense. How preposterous! Self-defense on other people's occupied territory is tantamount to one thing: blatant aggression. You call Hizbullah a terrorist organization. We call it a legitimate resistance movement. There would have been no military wing of Hizbullah if there had been no Lebanese territory under Israeli occupation, if there had been no Lebanese hostages languishing in Israeli jails, and if Lebanon had not been exposed to almost daily Israeli intrusions into its airspace and territorial waters, and to sporadic incursions into Lebanese land and bombardment of civilian targets. You cannot eliminate a party by demolishing a whole country. This would have been achieved peacefully by "Israel" withdrawing from the land it occupies, releasing Lebanese prisoners, and desisting from further acts of aggression against Lebanon. "ISRAEL" IS THE MOST HORRENDOUS TERRORIST POWER. AND YOU, MR. PRESIDENT, ARE UNMISTAKABLY A DIRECT PARTNER, AND HENCE A STRAIGHT TERRORIST. - Salim El Hoss, former prime minister of Lebanon Source: Daily Star, Text also at al Jazeera - Url.:
FPF - August 7, 2006 - This open letter about the US/Israeli war machine's genocide in Lebanon was published a week ago: imagine how many more fellow human beings have been killed by those war criminals since than, in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, and Lebanon itself... The creatures which are responsible* for the massacres - and that includes all their propagandists, the 'media brainwashers' without whom this never would have been possible - are not human and must be neutralized as soon as laws are valid again. Everywhere. Any other country would have been sacked and 'bombed back to the Stone Age' as the US always does, but Israel does not care about UN resolutions. The US/Israeli war machine ignores all other countries in the UN. A list of UN Resolutions against "Israel" - Url.: What they do is serial killing on a global scale, which can never be accepted by any human being with decency. The PNAC 'crazies' in Washington are only the mortal top of the wave in a bloody tsunami threatening to drown the world in blood, and the immense shame and guilt also befalls the cowardly collaborating 'Coalition of the Killing' and other brain dead mercenaries - of whatever nationality - doing the dirty work for the warmongers in many countries. Don't they understand why the resistance hangs their Gestapo and will hang them too? Url.: One wonders how those criminals think they can survive the growing hatred of the global population, the human beings they have maltreated and killed for such a long time. Since this group does not respect conventions, laws of war or other human beings, they can not expect respect for human rights in return, and can not expect anything else but this - Url.: THE WAR CRIMINALS WILL SOON KNOW FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS... HR
* INDYMEDIA SITE IN BEIRUT - LEBANON - Url.: * Google's pro-Israel selection of mostly lying mainstream propaganda articles - 99% all the same captions and distortions by the PNAC Lie Factory - Url.: * British MP George Galloway - UK MP stated totally correct: ''Blair, Olmert and Bush are murderers'' - Url.: * Lebanon: Throw out war propagandists like the BBC, FOX, CNN etc. - Url.: * Very important background information: The War on Lebanon and the Battle for Oil - By Michel Chossudovsky - Url.: * Pro-Israel PAC Contributions to 2006 Congressional Candidates - Url.: * HR: The huge omnivorous herd consumes everywhere on our earth as much as it can grab, and tramples millions of human beings to death. That doesn't seem to matter. The 'elephant boys' don't speak about the bloody pulp underneath the feet of the big animals: instead they give'm a bath in the mainstream. - Url.: * Gaza & Lebanon: EU supports Israel shooting fish in a barrel - by Unicef + Henk Ruyssenaars - UNICEF Executive Director Ann M. Veneman reports on Lebanon: “The untold story of what is going on in this war is that 30 per cent of those who have died are children and 45 per cent of those who are displaced are children so this is really a war that has a very, very immediate and real impact on children.�? - Url.: THE US/ISRAELI COLLABORATORS IN 'THE NETHERLANDS' - AS ALL OTHER MEMBERS OF THE 'COALITION OF THE KILLING' - SUPPORT THE US/ISRAELI GENOCIDES AND INHUMANITIES. THEY KEEP SILENT, EVEN WHEN THEY ARE GUILTY OF WAR CRIMES. THEY SILENCE EVERYBODY, WHILE DOING NOTHING TO STOP THE SLAUGHTER. THEY HAVE BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS: AFTER THE NUREMBERG WAR CRIMES TRIBUNALS, NAZI CRIMINALS LIKE THESE WERE HANGED BY THE AMERICANS. * DEFINITION OF SEMITES: from The Collin’s English Dictionary -1984 - "Semitic: a member of the group of Caucasoid people who speak a Semitic language, including the Jews and Arabs as well as the Ancient Babylonians (Iraqis), the Assyrians (Syria), and the Phoenicians (the Lebanese of today). Semitic: a branch or sub-family of languages that includes Arabic, Aramaic, Hebrew.�? - THE PALESTINIANS ARE PURE SEMITES! * PREPARING THE GENOCIDE FOR 'ERETZ ISRAEL' - 'A Clean Break: Strategy for Securing the Realm' - The new Israeli ''Pentagon Papers'' - Url.: * US/ISRAELI GENOCIDE NEWS: ''MORE TIME TO BOMB'' - ESSENTIAL 6 MINUTE VIDEO - We defy anyone to watch this 6 minute video, entitled MORE TIME TO BOMB, and not be so enraged at the scale of Israel's atrocities in Lebanon and Gaza, that they commit themselves to persuade everyone they know to join the Emergency National Demonstration on SATURDAY 5 AUGUST. - 6 minute video - Url.: * The Dutch author this far has worked abroad more than 4 decades for international media as an independent foreign correspondent, of which 10 years - also during Gulf War I - in the Arab World and the Middle East. Having practical experience of coups and the obscenity of war: seeing worldwide that every bullet and every bomb breeds more terrorism! * RELATED: BACKGROUND LINKS TO THOSE RESPONSIBLE - If after checking a factual error is found, pls. send an email. - Url.: * FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.: FOREIGN PRESS FOUNDATION Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars The Netherlands -0-
Foreign Press Foundation
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