Imperial Racism & Apartheid in the Holy Landforpressfound, Martes, Julio 11, 2006 - 07:45
FPF-intro + Glen Ford, Peter Gamble
Race is, indeed, a construction – a very convenient one when you want to take someone else’s property, or kill them, or enslave them. It is this construct that animates the American debate about foreign policy – or even domestic policy when it comes to "aliens" of one kind or another. END DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS WITH ISRAEL - BOYCOTTS AND SANCTIONS Intro by Henk Ruyssenaars FPF - July 11, 2006 - In the in Johannesburg in South Africa published Mail & Guardian, an article is published stating that: "The 'apartheid Israel state' is worse than the apartheid that was conducted in South Africa, Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) president Willie Madisha said on Monday. He said Palestinians were being attacked with heavy machinery and tanks used in war, which had never happened in South Africa. Cosatu and other organisations supporting Palestine have called on government to end diplomatic relations with Israel and establish boycotts and sanctions such as those against apartheid South Africa. Israel has launched several attacks on Gaza, bombing its main university and firing missiles that have killed Palestinian bystanders.* Desmond Tutu is the former Archbishop of Cape Town and Chairman of 'South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission.' - [Images - http://tinyurl.com/f3dec ] - In an address given at a conference on 'Ending the Occupation' held in Boston in 2002, bishop Tutu condemned what he had seen in Israel during his visit as: "Apartheid''. And everything proofs that the situation only has gotten worse. It may be a good thing to read bishop Tutu's article with his own observations in the Guardian first, to more fully understand how bad the situation really is. International observers and local people call the ethnic cleansing - which for such a long time has been going on - for the 'Holocaust of the Palestinians'. THE PALESTINIANS ARE - LIKE THEIR ISRAELI HENCHMEN - SEMITES TOO What the cruel Israeli defense force IDF - financed with mostly American taxpayer's $billions - has been doing for decades is absolutely inhuman. I's like the Apartheid regime in South Africa was, and the prolonging in other forms of slavery and segregation, like now again in the global US 'Project for a New American Century'. Serfdom and slavery is profitable for the rulers: turning blood into gold, and thus power. The group (not so kosher) bleeding and wrecking our globe has no moral qualms nor decency: to them even blood money doesn't smell. The murderous Apartheid and segregation of human beings the group of managers behind the PNAC ideology for decades have been trying to do in Palestine and to the world, and which will not succeed, can be defined as follows: "A segregated society is one in which members of different races or social groups rarely, if ever, come into contact with one another as equals. All aspects of daily life are separated, and contact between the races is regulated so that one race is always in a superior position to the other." EFFECTS OF APARTHEID POLICY ON HUMAN BEINGS AND SOCIETY Being Dutch by birth, and knowing the language, in 1976, and at the request of the at that time critical and in 'Apartheid South Africa' forbidden German weekly STERN, I started gathering facts and information for a book concerning the effects of Apartheid policy on human beings and society in general in South Africa. It was horrible. Later on I was arrested in the black township of Soweto and - after a short detention - kicked out of the country, having been declared 'persona non grata' by the Apartheid government. I've seen and reported on the misery ever since. (The first time I was declared 'persona non grata' was during the Vietnam war in Cambodja. In Chile I was declared the same by Pinochet and his ilk in 1974, and by the Soviet Union in 1982. I had to leave North-Africa - Tunisia - in 1996) And, concerning human beings in all those other countries, like in South Africa, Chile or Palestine, let me assure you: those people can quote William Shakespeare's 'The Merchant of Venice' too: “Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions . . . ? If you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die?�? - But Shylock who exclaimed this, apparently never wanted to understand nor meant what he was saying... So, I do not understand how the warmongers think they can survive what they are doing to so many of us. Because during more than four decades as an independent correspondent, I've seen what Jewish 2005 Nobel Literature Prize winner Harold Pinter* explained: "People do not forget. They do not forget the death of their fellows, they do not forget torture and mutilation, they do not forget injustice, they do not forget oppression, they do not forget the terrorism of mighty powers. THEY NOT ONLY DON'T FORGET: THEY ALSO STRIKE BACK! Henk Ruyssenaars Bishop Tutu's Apartheid story is here - Url.: http://www.guardian.co.uk/israel/comment/0,10551,706911,00.html IMPERIAL RACISM by BC Publishers Glen Ford and Peter Gamble Racism, the ideology that came into full flower as a justification for European conquest of most of the planet, is now headquartered in the United States – with an annex in Israel. Tel Aviv is a very active annex. There could be no justification for George Bush’s aggressions, without the underlying assumptions of racial superiority. Bush has committed multiple crimes against peace – a capital Nuremberg offense for which a number of Nazis were hanged. He is a war criminal, many times over. However, he will never be prosecuted in the United States, because of the pervasive ideology of imperialism, which is racist at its very core: it dehumanizes the victims. Race is, indeed, a construction – a very convenient one when you want to take someone else’s property, or kill them, or enslave them. It is this construct that animates the American debate about foreign policy – or even domestic policy when it comes to "aliens" of one kind or another. BUT IT IS DEADLY. IT SWARMS COUNTRIES, AND CONSUMES CITIES. Fallujah was flattened, with its main hospital the first target. Three hundred thousand people are now refugees in their own country, because of US actions, and an unknown number are dead. That is a war crime – but is not seen as such by most of the US public, who are under the sway of the ideology of imperial racism. The death of an entire city does not matter to them, because there were no real people there. Racism does more than color the situation – it defines it. How do you kill a city and call it victory? Why is this celebrated as a benchmark of "progress"? Is the assumption that the white man’s triumph is, inherently, progress? Of course it is. That’s what imperial racism is all about. There are "enemies" and "others" who are not "Western" – a euphemism for "non-white" – the construct they keep making up every time they want to steal something. THE HARD-RIGHT ISRAELIS ARE VERY GOOD AT THIS GAME. They are on totally racial mission, and have made their construct. Jewishness is a race, in Israel, with rights that only accrue to Jews. We are supposed to believe that Jews have a right to shape Palestine in such a way that they always have a majority. How does that conform with any democratic principle? Now the hard-right regime in Jerusalem is making war against the entire Palestinian society, destroying its infrastructure – its bridges, roads and energy facilities – to make all 1.2 million inhabitants of Gaza pay some kind of price. However, it is a price that can not be paid. The extremist Israelis are racial imperialists who are not looking for anything other than the mass elimination of a people from the land. They have invested the firing of tens of thousands of rounds of artillery into one of the most crowded corners of the world to achieve this purpose: but their motives are well understood by everyone who is not a racial imperialist. Everyone, that is, except the (white) Americans, who eat this crap up. The uniform reaction of the American corporate media to the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision that something resembling the rule of law must prevail at Guantanamo Bay and other U.S. installations, has been to frame the issue in domestic political terms. The Bush administration had been politically tarnished, was the conclusion: not that it had violated international law, and was in fact an outlaw among nations. The situation has been framed as one of domestic political peril for Republicans – maybe in November – but not how the U.S. gets along with the rest of the world. SUBSIDIZED BY A SUPERPOWER In the same way, the Israeli "incursions" into Gaza and the West bank have been framed as defensive measures, even as the world’s forth-strongest military power relentlessly pounded a people who have virtually no military with thousands of rounds of artillery a day. As the entire world knows, Israel could not possibly have amassed such an amazing war machine, unless they had been subsidized by a superpower. And, of course, they were. In the Arab world, and the larger Muslim world, the "incursions" are seen as alien invasions, and as a threat to their own societies. The Israeli Zionist project is never discussed in the U.S, and now it has become forbidden to speak of it. Meanwhile, a reign of terror exists in Gaza and the West Bank. The terrorists are the Israeli government and armed forces, but instead our own media keeps showing us pictures of a goofy-looking Israeli soldier, while a whole people are being strangled and bombed. None of this could happen, if there were not racial imperialism, in which the Jews of Israel were considered "white" – and, therefore, had inherent rights. White Americans also think they have rights that not nobody else possesses. There is a connection between the extremist Zionist scheme and the umbilical cord of imperialism. Here is the result, that places the Zionist perspective and the "American" worldview in proper place. Just as the Americans obliterated Fallujah, Zionists in Israel want to wipe out whole cities. Gaza City has to go. Up in flames. Member of the Knesset, Moshe Sharoni, taunted his Arab colleagues in the Israeli parliament. He said: "We need to obliterate Gaza and call it the City of Murderers, the City of Terrorists." THIS IS THE MENTALITY OF MASS MURDERERS. But then, you can only murder real people. Imperialism kills non-people. That’s the nature of the beast. It can only act that way. Who is wagging this dog? Many of these people are from Brooklyn. American racism and imperialism are the same thing. IT APPEARS TO HAVE BEEN EFFICIENTLY EXPORTED. Written by BC Publishers, Glen Ford and Peter Gamble [and end] - Url.: http://www.blackcommentator.com/190/190_cover_imperial_racism.html FPF - CONNECTING THE DOTS: MAIL & GUARDIAN - SOUTH AFRICA - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/modak MERCENARIES FIGHTING FOR APARTHEID: THE GROUP IN LONDON - UNDER COVER OF THE 'WORLD WILDLIFE FUND' ETC. - IN 'OPERATION LOCK' FOUGHT AGAINST NELSON MANDELA c.s. Quote: "The funds for Operation Lock were actually WWF funds."- Url.: http://www.ogiek.org/indepth/whit-man-game-wwf.htm URI AVNERY: MANUFACTURING ANTI-SEMITES - ''Many good people, who feel no hatred at all towards the Jews, but who detest the persecution of the Palestinians, are now called anti-Semites.'' - Url.: http://www.counterpunch.org/avnery1002.html WHAT ONE IS NOT SUPPOSED TO KNOW NOR DEBATE: ''The NN-phant in the Room'' - Url.: http://boston.indymedia.org/newswire/display/186337/index.php THE LORDS OF APARTHEID & their 'Economy Vatican' - Money is the root of all evil. - Url.: http://disc.server.com/discussion.cgi?disc=234999;article=304;title=APFN... APARTHEID IN SPAIN? - THE PROJECT FOR A NEW AMERICA STARTED IN 1492 - 'The Jewish Virtual Library' has the following 'underreported' information on this medieval 'Project for a New America': 'Judaic Treasures of the Library of Congress - Columbus Sets Sail - The Exodus August 3, 1492' - Url.: http://antwerpen.indymedia.org/print.php?id=3751 APARTHEID SPREADING - COMPULSORY 'PASSES' IN THE NETHERLANDS - ''ID cards: a story I thought I'd never write'' - Url.: http://www.no2id-handf.org.uk/dutchfpf.htm 2005 NOBEL LITERATURE PRIZE WINNER HAROLD PINTER - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/9cyeq - US - ZNet - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/hyv52 The Dutch author this far has lived and worked abroad for more than 4 decades for international media - when they still knew what honest journalism was - as an independent foreign correspondent. Of which 10 years - also during Gulf War I - in the 'Arab World' and the Middle East. Seeing worldwide that every bullet and every bomb breeds more terrorism ! WITH 'APARTHEID' AND FASCISM STRONGLY RELATED LINKS - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/gkgrb FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.: http://liimirror.warwick.ac.uk/uscode/17/107.html FOREIGN PRESS FOUNDATION -0-
Foreign Press Foundation
Bishop Tutu about Apartheid in Israel
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