
Connection: 9/11 and Radioactive Uranium

Anonyme, Martes, Junio 27, 2006 - 13:00

Cathy Garger

News on link between Uranium and 9/11 -
Exploding buildings at World Trade Center
What is the connection between 9/11 and radioactive Uranium?

I have been more than curious as to the high incidence of lung diseases and cancers appearing in Ground Zero victims occurring too soon after 9/11 to be merely due to "asbestos" poisoning alone.

I just got word about a very important radio interview by Leuren Moret, world renown geoscientist and expert on Depleted Uranium.

Subject: Watch for breakthrough 9/11 discussion on Thursday the 29th

Cathy Garger

Dear Cathy Garger

The discussion of uranium at the WTC is still on for Thur. the 29th on National Radio and the world wide Net Radio show of Jeff Rense on with world famous scientist Leuren Moret. This was brought up by you in your article for your widely read column:
9/11 Cough - More Than Just Asthma (

Moret will discuss the presence of uranium at the WTC on 9/11/01 after the demolition of the Trade Towers and Building No 7.

Moret just confirmed the show for the 29th in California.


Bob Nichols
Project Censored Award Winner
Correspondent, San Francisco Bay View newspaper

Michael Lessard...
Jue, 2006-06-29 12:34

* Correction: the text was doubled
* added the themes: Gov., Imperialism, Media, War [DU is used in weaponry].
* Made her article a clickable link
* Placed Cathy's web site in the clickable link zone.
* added a line -- where the 'e-mail' message starts.

Michaël Lessard [pour me laisser un message]
Militant pour les droits humains.
Siriel-Média: média libre sur les 'politiques de destruction massive'.

[ ]

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