
24th bulletin of the Basque Observatory of Human Rights - Behatokia

Anonyme, Miércoles, Junio 21, 2006 - 13:09

Basque Observatory of Human Rights

We are writing to you from the Basque Observatory for Human Rights –Behatokia- to let you know that our latest bulletin is now available on our web page,

If you would like to access the bulletin directly, in a compressed pdf format please use this link:

The following are the contents of this bulletin:

- Penitentiary policy claims more lives:
- Basque prisoners Igor Angulo and Roberto Saiz died in prison.
- Angulo was found hanged in his cell and Saiz died of a hear attack while he was protesting for Angulo’s death. He had requested a medical examination many times, due to chest pains.
- The policy of dispersal and isolation keeps getting worse.

- Torture:
Ibon Meñika and Sandra Barrenetxea: new accounts of torture
They both claimed they were tortured during their time under incommunicado detention:

- The Government has ratified the UN Protocol against torture
No change in the lack of will to eradicate torture

- New moves to prevent release of Basque prisoners:
Changes in Supreme Court doctrine turn lengthy jail sentences into de facto life sentences

- Statement from Atenco women prisoners
Women arrested in Atenco, Mexico, denounce serious sexual abuse and rape by the police

- Opinion:
Will the Spanish state finally fulfil its international commitments to human rights?

We hope you will find these issues interesting. As always, feel free to contact us for any further information, or if you have any queries or suggestions. It is also possible to make contributions to our work via the following account number:

Basque Observatory of Human Rights

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