
Bonnie Sherr Klein returns to Montréal

Anonyme, Viernes, Junio 9, 2006 - 13:34

Sujata Dey

After a 18-year absence from filmmaking, Bonnie Sherr Klein, a legendary filmmaker with a disability, will return to Montréal to talk to Action des femmes handicapées just a few months before the release of her film Shameless.

Klein, who directed the groundbreaking Not a Love Story and was instrumental in Studio D, the of the National Film Board’s women’s unit, had a stroke which made her disabled. Klein has since a book about her experiences (Slow Dance) as well as produced KickstART!, a festival of disabilty art and culture.

She will be speaking about her experience as a filmmaker with other women with disabilities involved in the project The Pride of Women with Disabilities (working title), which matches women with disabilities with artistic mentors in order to produce a performance highlighting the lives and experiences of disabled women.

Women from the project will also talk about their experiences as amateur artists discovering art and trying to change how the society views women with disabilities.

"There is an wonderful synergy between what the participants are doing and what I am doing," says Klein.

Both Klein and the participants hope that this will start a new era of disability pride, where women with disabilities assume their differences and are full participants in social, cultural and political life.

Bonnie Sherr Klein and Wassyla Hadjabi will be speaking about their experiences at Studio 2 of the Women’s Y, 1355 BOULEVARD RENÉ-LÉVESQUE OUEST, Saturday June 10th at 3:45 pm.

For interviews with Klein or the participants, contact

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