Support our Indian Comrades!La Nota Comunista, Jueves, Junio 8, 2006 - 11:37 Dear friends, The People's March web site - The Voice of the Indian Revolution has been blocked by the server. People's March web site blocked ! Dear friends, The People's March web site - The Voice of the Indian Revolution has been blocked by the server. We ask you to continue to support our Indian Comrades and buy the Magazine monthly. Peoples March - The Voice of the Indian Revolution can be obtained by post through the following contacts * lal_...@yahoo.co.uk * Second Wave Publications and Distribution, BM BOX 2978, London, WC1N - Alternatively visit Housmans Bookshop, 5, Caledonian Road, Kings Cross, London, N5 (Send a first class stamped addressed large A4 envelope, conceal £2 and send to above address with note for the request for the People's March) ----------------------------------------- Email adm...@peoplesmarch.com P. Govindan Kutty, Peroor House, North Fort, Thripoonithura, P.O. BOX 56, Ernakulam District, Kerala — 682 301. India Now available: People's March in book stalls in Major bus stations in all districts of Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Also in book stalls in Bhubaneshwar, Madgaon (Goa), Kasargod and Palakkad Railway Stations. ~~~~~~~~~ Other Revolutionary Publications~~~~~~~~ A World to Win No: 31: '8 Glorious Years of the Great Nepalese People's War' Details of Video documentary 'BLAZING TRAIL' (Journey Of The Indian Revolution) Now Some Important Documents Of Communist Party Of Nepal (Maoist) - Book by Book: Dispatches from the People's War in Nepal - Li Onesto Details of content |
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