EUROPEAN COORDINATION AGAINST PRECARIOUSNESS: STRASBURG, JUNE 9th-10th-11thAnonyme, Lunes, Mayo 29, 2006 - 19:33 (Analyses)
Strasburg’s Coordination against Precariousness
CALL TO RESISTANCE! EUROPEAN COORDINATION AGAINST PRECARIOUSNESS: STRASBURG, JUNE 9th-10th-11th For decades, a fierce neo-liberal policy has done its work all over Europe. We - as well as the environment around us - endure, everyday, the effects of this alienating system. This logic finds expression in all-out industrialism, everlasting perpetuation of established elites and ideological formatting, relayed by mass-media, governments and omnipresent aggressive advertising. Economy has become the sole ideology. From this ideology spring precarious contracts and an ever harder access to universal goods of culture and knowledge. It calls into question the right to a home, a work, health and food for everyone. The Lisbon agreements, the Bolkenstein Directive and other projects favour the interests of economic liberalism and not human ones. As their applications are just beginning, these plans will show their true ferocity in a few years only. Security laws, video-surveillance, phone-tapping, tolerance towards sexism and racism, expulsions and deportations of all kinds, are just the precursory signs of a shiftily settling totalitarian society. All over Europe, we witness the destruction of our social gains. The principle of extreme profitability leads to the privatisation of entire public utilities. Rebellion against this system and invention of alternatives are on the move. It is in the street that we can exert a real counter-power and have some influence on the course of History. By this logic, we invite you to take part in the European Coordination against precariousness on June 9th, 10th and 11th at Strasburg’s universities, to create a resistance network and european-scale common action projects. Time has come to put a final check on all these predatory policies that threat the future of humanity and Earth. We will only have what we take. "He who doesn't fight has already lost". RESISTANCE! Strasburg’s Coordination against Precariousness |
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