Franz J. T. Lee
Jutta Schmitt, Franz J. T. Lee, Roy S. Carson, Mary MacAlveen & Stephen Lendman
Published: Tuesday, May 23, 2006 SoundBytes May 23 -- VHeadline.com editor Roy S. Carson and VH-commentarist Jutta Schmitt discuss the timeline of Venezuela's emergence from 40 years of corrupt governments and the peaceful revolutionary progress initiated by President Hugo Chavez Frias on American Voice Radio (presenter Frank Steffan) http://www.vheadline.com/audio/060523_AVoice-05-23-06.mp3 Roy Carson, Mary MacElveen, Stephen Lendman and Franz J. T. Lee on AV Radio May 23, 2006 -- VHeadline.com editor Roy S. Carson and VH-correspondents Mary MacElveen, Stephen Lendman and Franz Lee on American Voice Radio's Jack McLamb Show (presenter Drew Raines) http://www.vheadline.com/audio/060523_mclamb_AVR.mp3 PLEASE NOTE: It will take several minutes for the MP3 file to download on your system (depending on your internet connection) but it will open on a new page. While you wait for the download to complete and the recording to play on your default player, you may continue to browse VHeadline.com pages for update news & views from Venezuela.
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