
March for Immigrant Rights!

Anonyme, Jueves, Mayo 25, 2006 - 14:10

Justice and dignity
for all migrants and refugees.

SATURDAY, MAY 27, 2006
Demo starts at NOON.
Phillips Square
(corner of Ste-Catherine and Union, near metro McGill)

-> We are marching, rain or shine!
-> This is a child-friendly march.
-> Bring your banners, placards and noisemakers.
-> There will be food, water and snacks during the demo.
-> Rest vehicles will accompany the march.

The march will be followed by:

The Côte-des-Neiges

Saturday, May 27
6pm: Kent Park
(Corner of Kent and Cote-des-Neiges)

"No Borders, No Nations! Let's Start the Celebrations!"

dinner ... MUSIC ... activities for the kids ...
DANCE (including breakdance showcase with LEGZ) ...
And much more ...


INFO: 514-848-7583 or


[The following is the text of the flyer that will passed out in the
thousands at the upcoming STATUS FOR ALL march in Montreal ...]


We are marching to demonstrate against the deportation and detention
of migrants and refugees, and for a comprehensive, inclusive
regularization program, meaning STATUS FOR ALL.

We are marching from downtown Montreal, through Chinatown, the Main,
Mile-End, Little Italy and Parc Extension, ending at Kent Park in
Côte-des-Neiges. We march as part of a national day of protest for
immigrant rights, joining demonstrations in Vancouver, Toronto, Ottawa
and elsewhere. We march almost one-year after we walked for one week
from Montreal to Ottawa to demand justice and dignity for all migrants
and refugees.

Building on ongoing organizing efforts led by migrant communities, we
are demonstrating because hundreds of thousands of people live without
status, while hundreds of thousands more are exploited by the
arbitrary and racist policies of Immigration Canada.

Police and deportation agents continue to enter our homes, schools and
workplaces, creating fear in our communities, while detaining and
removing our neighbors, colleagues, friends and families. Instead of
the fear and paranoia promoted by the government, we organize to
support each other, in the spirit of solidarity and mutual aid.

For us, there is no such thing as "illegal" human beings, only unjust
laws and illegitimate governments.

We march today for all our friends and allies who have been removed,
detained, forced underground, forced into sanctuary or victimized by
security certificates: Kader Belaouni - in sanctuary in the
St-Gabriel's Church in Point-St-Charles since January - and the seven
other sanctuary cases across Canada; Mohamed Cherfi, the Akhtar-Khan
family, the Rodriguez family, Khursheda Khanam, Amir Hodhod, the
Arrellano-Diaz family, Dorothy Dubé, Fatima Marhfoul, Ahmed Nafaa,
Ahmed Abdel Majeed, Ali Naqvi, the Ibad family, the Butt family, the
Syed family, Eduardo Perez, Gorka Salazar, Mourad and Nadia, the Vega
family, the Borja family, the Ayoub family, the Ayele family, Mohammad
Mahjoub, Mahmoud Jaballah, Hassan Almrei, Mohamed Harkat, Adil
Charkaoui and many, too many, more.

We also march inspired by those who have successfully resisted
deportations and remain in Canada. We march for all who continue to
fight against detentions, deportations and security certificates.

We are demonstrating as part of a struggle for self-determination as
migrants and refugees, supported by our allies.

We refuse to be invisible; we refuse to live in fear. We demand STATUS
FOR ALL! Join us, as we organize to win.

For more information, or to get involved:
Solidarity Across Borders

514-859-9023 -

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