
Rally at Bombardier's Annual General Meeting, Tuesday, May 30th - Montreal

Lutibet, Jueves, Mayo 18, 2006 - 15:44

Canada Tibet Committee

Bombardier: Complicit with the cultural genocide of Tibet?
Rally at Bombardier's Annual General Meeting, Tuesday, May 30th - Montreal
When: Tuesday, May 30th, 8:30 am

Where: Hyatt Regency Montreal (Grand salon) – Complexe Desjardins, 1255 Jeanne-Mance Street,

To read more about the railway and its impacts, see the report, "Crossing the Line: China's Railway to Lhasa, Tibet," at

Note: Please contact us if you are shareholder of Bombardier and want to help Tibetans speak inside the shareholder’s meeting.
For more information about the rally, please contact

Please join us to show your concern about Bombardier’s involvement in the Tibet railway and to demand concrete action by Bombardier to address the legitimate concerns of the Tibetan people. Please also forward this announcement on to everyone you know in the Montreal area!


On Tuesday, May 30th, Bombardier will hold its annual general meeting in Montreal. The Board of Directors, senior management and shareholders of Bombardier – as well as the media – will attend this important meeting. This is a key opportunity for Tibetans and Tibet supporters to show their concern about Bombardier’s involvement in the controversial Tibet Railway project.

Bombardier – have partnered with Power Corporation of Canada and the Government of China to manufacture railway cars for this project. Many Tibetans fear that this first railway to link mainland China with occupied Tibet represents the final phase in the cultural genocide of the Tibetan people.

The rally will also provide an opportunity to show support for a shareholder’s resolution by the Corporation des Syndics Apostoliques des frères mineurs ou Franciscains that asks Bombardier “to draft and adopt a human rights policy and to produce an independent report on the progress made in this regard by November 2006.

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