The Ford Foundation's Anti-Terrorism ProvisoAnonyme, Sábado, Mayo 13, 2006 - 10:00 (Analyses)
David Arthur Walters
The Ford Foundation has apparently abaondoned tradition Ford anti-semiticism The Ford Foundation has edited its grant contract to include an anti-terrorism provision which specifies that funding will be withdrawn from any university advocating violence. The proviso prohibits the promotion of "violence, terrorism, bigotry, or the destruction of any state." Last fall, a Jewish news service accused the Ford Foundation of funding anti-Israeli Palestinian groups. The foundation - endowed with funds donated by Henry and Edsel Ford - has long been disparaged for funding of Palestinian causes. Henry Ford, incidentally, was responsible for the circulation of the hateful antisemitic tract, the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, for which Reverend Gerald K. Smith, the infamous bigot and most egregious hypocrite of his time, wrote an introduction. Ford, like many other gullible industrialists, admired the Nazi's non-union leadership program - the Nazi bureaucracy was absurd, but despite the bribery, profits initially soared. Of course the old business ties to the Nazi industrialists, including those of the Prescott Bush family, were immediately forgiven if not forgotten. Jewish leaders are pleased with the new proviso in the Ford grant contract. In an article dated May 4, 2004, The Wall Street Journal quoted David Harris, executive director of the American Jewish Committee: the new Ford provision is "eminently reasonable," said Mr. Harris. "I would like to think that with or without Ford's language, America's universities would not in any way want to associate themselves with the promotion of violence, terrorism, or bigotry." Nine elite universities, citing the right of academic freedom, have protested against the new language because they believe it is too broad. They are correct. Any proviso that does not absolutely disapprove of the promotion of violence in any shape or form whatsoever would be ambiguous. If the Ford proviso applied to any organization or person, then the governing authority which ultimately secures the right of contract where the foundation is domiciled, the current government of the United States of America, would certainly not be entitled to a Ford grant. The Bush government of the United States of America state has just employed massive violence to destroy the state of Iraq, and is presently engaged in organized terrorism there to violently impose its kind of democracy on Muslim people as part of an overall, divinely ordained Judeo-Christian plan to free the peoples of the world for American "democracy" whether they like it or not.
The established media in the United States would not be qualified for a Ford grant. The media routinely advocated and continues to advocate massive violence and terrorism in Iraq. The established media led the hysterical rush to war, conducted the hourly outcries to destroy the state of Iraq. Of course the U.S. press largely supported the violent closure of Muqtada al Sadr's press organ because it advocated violence against the U.S. occupation in the name of that Muslim cleric's brand of divinely ordained freedom.
Now Iraq and Palestine both look like Nazi-occupied non-states: tanks rolling through the rubble et cetera. They were shocked and awed by the almighty, but they continue to fight back, and the almighty cannot seem to violently accomplish what their own almighty violently accomplished. Yes, only ten percent of them fight back, while the rest want peace - we recall that the traitors - "patriots" because they won - who supported the American War of Independence amounted to no more than ten percent of the population including the revolutionary military forces. Violence is naturally terrifying. If violence is supported violence is promoted. No person or organization who supports in any way the violence and terrorism of the United States of America, or of any other organization of person for that matter, would get a Ford grant if the Ford provision were applied universally. If the good American people adopted the Ford proviso, they would not pay taxes, buy newspapers, read books, go to movies, watch television, do business with most companies. Maybe they would be better off in the long run without the hourly promotion of violence. Maybe they would better off if they were not in such an all-fired hurry to get to that "better place" preachers are so fond of mentioning at memorial services.
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