TAKE BACK MOTHERS DAYmcmilky, Sábado, Mayo 6, 2006 - 08:09
For most Canadians, Mother’s Day is a time when families honor their mother’s hard work. But for many of low income families find that on Mother’s Day, peace and joy is in very short supply, especially now that more than 30,000 of their youngsters languish in foster homes. TAKE BACK MOTHER’S DAY MARCH AND PROTEST We did not lose our children because of abuse, rather we lost our children because of poverty, lack of affordable adequate housing, being single, being young, having a child with special needs, being in recovery from substance abuse issues, having survived an abusive partner, or having worked in the Adult Entertainment Industry. Silenced for decades by shame and guilt, we suffered alone with our grief, believing that we were the only ones. Now we find that we are not alone. Mother’s Day began as a day to honor the public activism of mothers. It began in 1870 because mother’s declared that they would not lose their children as casualties of war. On Sunday May 14th 2006, lets “Take Back Mother’s Day |
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