future shockAnonyme, Lunes, Mayo 1, 2006 - 18:40 futures market and fear control America Future Shock What future is coming for our children and our elderly, our poor our low income middle class? Our economy is growing some, but at what cost; futures market see milk at 4.00 per gallon, what is next to rise egg’s, bread, meat vegetables every day essentials. The power get stronger and the weaker get fracked. Oil, gas, petrol is going up with each passing day; along with that food is going through the roof. This winter the disabled, the poor, the elderly and the low income level homes (people who earn minimum wage) will they chose between freezing and starving. The President and the Republican Party have chosen to cut social welfare programs, liheap and would you believe food stamps; they have given the upper class and the wealthy an across the board tax cut. I was scanning the news on the net they say quarterly job expenses are down hum, that could be because they have cut jobs in the United States by god knows what percent in the car industry, manufacturing. We import more then we sell, now we are allowing a mass invasion of Latino’s from South, and Central America and Mexico are borders are a spaghetti strainer with so many holes, el gaieda could launch an invasion of the south. Our enemy’s both economically and military are getting stronger well our union gets weaker. Hate groups like the skin heads and the Neo-Nazi and the rest are infiltrating our military so basically we are teaching them to kill us. Religious leaders have more influence in Washington then the average Joe on the street; they get their agenda passed, by confusion, delusion and fear. Here in Maine we have a group whom have mastered the conspiracy theory of rhetoric, they claim that the LGBT community has an agenda; the only agenda is to have the same rights as everyone else. The right to be free, to love and be loved; there is no agenda to destroy marriage or the sanctity of the ceremony. They are not destroying our way of life; they are not attacking children or raping them. If we were to walk down the street in Los Angeles, Seattle, Boston, Atlanta, and New York, if we were in a battalion of Soldiers or Marines or Airmen and sailors walking down the hall you would not even know us. Yes there are some who are out there in outer space and flaunt it but it is very few. Some our doctor’s, lawyers, pediatricians, nurses and some our even parents. There is no conspiracy to conquer the straight people like I quote in my last article agenda it was a quote by Thurgood Marshall after he won Brown verses Topeka “You are not given us anything; we don’t already have; what we did in the court before Chief Justice Earl Warren and the others of court. It was plain simple justice |
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