
Help Protect Threatened Region in B.C

Anonyme, Lunes, Mayo 1, 2006 - 17:50


Help Establish a Sizeable Okanagan-Similkameen National Park

Currently, Canadians are being presented with one of the most incredible conservation opportunities in our history. The BC and federal governments have agreed to undertake a Feasibility Assessment for a potential national park reserve to protect the desert, grasslands, and Ponderosa pine ecosystems of the South Okanagan and Similkameen Valleys in southern British Columbia. Whether the national park reserve becomes
a reality - or a lost opportunity - depends on YOUR input and the input of all Canadians.

This region, around the towns of Osoyoos, Oliver, Keremeos and Cawston, has more species at risk than any other region of BC. Canyon wrens, white-headed woodpeckers, burrowing owls, badgers, white-tailed jackrabbits, tiger salamanders, spadefoot toads, pallid bats, spotted bats, scorpions, rattlesnakes, and hognose snakes all inhabit the area.

In addition, it is vitally important that a sizeable and fully protected national park reserve is established if the park becomes a reality. To be ecologically viable, the park must encompass large tracts of currently unprotected Crown lands, encompass existing provincial parks and protected areas in the region, and include a significant parkland
acquisition fund to purchase private lands and to establish conservation financing options for local First Nations.

Anyone who lives in North America knows that national parks greatly enhance local economies by increasing tourism revenues and providing local jobs, not to mention increasing the environmental quality of life for local people and all Canadians.

This proposed park - a once in a lifetime opportunity -could very well be derailed by vocal opposition forces unless YOU speak up to the political decision-makers!

Please write to the government of Canada and British Columbia and let them know whether or not you want them to:

- Commit to the establishment of a sizeable national park reserve in the South Okanagan and Similkameen Valleys that:

- Upholds the standard of protection afforded by the National Parks Act.

- Encompasses at least 100 000 hectares of currently unprotected Crown lands as well as existing provincial protected areas in the grasslands and forests of the region.

- Includes a $50 million parks acquisition fund to purchase private lands for protection, to buy out grazing leases on Crown lands, and to provide conservation financing for local First Nations.

- Encompasses the existing provincial parks and protected areas in the region, including in the Vaseux and White Lake area.

Be sure to include your mailing address so the government knows you're real!

Write to:

Premier Gordon Campbell
Legislative Buildings, Victoria, BC V8V 1X4

Prime Minister Stephen Harper
House of Commons, Ottawa ON K1A 0A7

For more information visit:

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