Parliamentary question: The Hmong people of LaosCyprien, Martes, Abril 25, 2006 - 10:50
Mrs Ferrero-Waldner
WRITTEN QUESTION E-2713/05 by Eluned Morgan Member of European Parliament (PSE) to the European Commission: "The Hmong people living in Laos sided with the United States during the Vietnam War. What does the Commission know about their current situation? What, if anything, is the Commission doing in response to this?" Answer to written question: "The Commission is fully aware of the situation of the Hmong people of Laos, and has been monitoring the issue of their reintegration for quite a long time as the Commission was already involved during the eighties and nineties in the now closed United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) refugees’ camps in Thailand. In Laos, there are 49 ethnic groups scattered all over the country. The Hmongs represent around 7% of the total population of approximately 5 million. The Hmong associated with the insurgents (a legacy of the United States presence in the region) number between 1,000 and 3,000, including women and children. The Government of Laos (GoL) has always denied that there is a “Hmong problem
on behalf of the Commission
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