
Tyendinega Mohawks Seize Rail Lines - support needed

Anonyme, Viernes, Abril 21, 2006 - 06:04


On April 20th 2006 the Ontario Provincial Police assaulted peacefull
community members of the Six Nations Grand River territory over a dispute
that had been going on much longer than the Feb.28th standoff. Mohawks of
the Bay of Quinte have now struck in solidarity with the brothers and
sisters at Grand River.


Tyendinega Warriors in solidarity with Six Nations Standoff

On April 20th 2006 the Ontario Provincial Police assaulted peacefull
community members of the Six Nations Grand River territory over a dispute
that had been going on much longer than the Feb.28th standoff. Mohawks of
the Bay of Quinte have now struck in solidarity with the brothers and
sisters at Grand River.

Both rail lines that come through Tyendinega territory have been seized.
Fires and perimeters have been set up. There is no allowing for rail
traffic of any kind today, nor any day that Grand River may be subjected
to police assault. Fifty community members have taken the innitiative and
are holding the line. They have now been spotted by CN Police and several
OPP, who have all wisely made quick retreats.

We ask for support and supplies to come in to Tyendinega ASAP. The camp
is at the north end of Wyman's Road on the CN and VIA rail line in
Tyendinega Mohawk Territory, just outside Belleville Ontario on Highway 2.
Your support and assistance are needed here...and where ever you are, you
can do your part today.

Mohawks from Kahnawake (South Shore Montreal) seized the Mercier bridge
while a demonstration by Indegenous Peoples Solidarity Movement in
Montreal has already held a march in Montreal. Thank you for your
support, stay strong, the hours ahead are long ones.

take note of this show of solidarity:

Montreal -- April 20, 2006
A group of about 30 demonstrators gathered for an
emergency demonstration to denounce the Ontario
Provincial Police (OPP) attack on indigenous
protesters defending their land at Six Nations.

The demonstration, which was called with just a few
hours notice, gathered at Cabot Park in downtown
Montreal. After speeches by Misty and Tania, two local
indigenous solidarity activists, the demonstration
marched along Ste-Catherine Street. Protesters
chanted: "Indigenous rights under attack, what do we
do? Stand up and fight back"; "Land, freedom,
self-determination, Canada is an illegal nation!";
and, in French: "Fin de l'occupation, respectez les
Six Nations!"

Members of the Indigenous Peoples Solidarity Movement
(IPSM) and allied groups will continue to raise
awareness and mobilize to show support and solidarity
with the indigenous resistance at Six Nations.

Two photos from the demo are attached to this e-mail.

To stay in touch with the IPSM: or

-- JBS

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