Filipino Social Democrats assure extreme leftist BAYAN solons case against them very strongAnonyme, Viernes, Abril 14, 2006 - 02:12 (Analyses)
Jesuit priest Fr. Romeo J. Intengan, one of the founding leaders of the Partido Demokratiko-Sosyalista ng Pilipinas (PDSP) and author of the Ateneo study asserting that party-list lawmakers belonging to the extreme left channeled millions of pork barrel funds to communist rebels, slammed anew the party-list solons. “The details that BAYAN MUNA party-list Rep. Satur Ocampo and his colleagues (Rafael Mariano, and Teodoro Casiño of BAYAN MUNA; Liza Maza of GABRIELA; Joel Virador Crispin Beltran of ANAKPAWIS) want, regarding the diversion of their pork barrel funds to abet communist insurgency, are now part of the evidence in the rebellion charges being filed by government against them, The PDSP leader is reacting to Ocampo’s complaint that his report, The Armed Forces of the Philippines: Defender of the Nation, Guardian of Democracy, and Servant of the People, does not cite a single instance in which public funds were channeled to the communist rebels. “More cases are being prepared against them. I cannot give details now as I do not want to jeopardize the witnesses who have committed to testify to back up the cases against them,
Partido Demokratiko-Sosyalista ng Pilipinas (PDSP)
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