libertyAnonyme, Martes, Abril 11, 2006 - 19:51
Murdock Todd Cote (Doc)
liberty Liberty I told someone on the CB they should impeach the President of the United States, he asked me if I was a democrat and a liberal. No I am not a member either party Republican or Democrat nor am I liberal. I do believe in liberty, justice, honor, duty to ones country. I value the lives of our Soldiers, Sailors and Marines and airmen above my own. To be a commander you must protect, and defend all and values of lives of your men above your own celebrate those who gave their lives in defense of our nation by living our live gloriously in their honor. George Walker Bush is no commander all he has done is driven our nation into debt, and spilled the blood of warriors uselessly. He claims we are winning in Iraq, all we have done is destabilize a country; yes he was a dictator, yes he butchered his own people; when they resisted him. The first gulf war was between Iran and Iraq, millions died; in a useless sectarian war. The super powers played one off against, then in nineteen ninety he got cocky and invaded the small emirate of Kuwait. The United Nations gave him seventy-two hours to get out. Or be thrown out by an allied army lead by the United States, your father lead well he unified thirty country’s ten central Asian. He had a just cause and the backing of truth and the UN. You however used lies and deceptions to start a war with Iraq, you claimed they had major weapons of mass destruction, that they were connected to the pig eating dogs who murdered are people on September 11, 2001 are modern day pearl harbor, we lost people in the air, in the world trade center towers, in the Pentagon and in a little field in Pennsylvania enemy dead 11, us two thousand nine hundred and fifty…. You ordered General Thomas Franks and the central command to plan the invasion of Iraq. You sent General Powell to testify to the Senate and House oversight comities on Intelligence. What George Tenant and Condoleezza Rice called definitive proof that he had weapons of mass destruction, he shoveled the same story to the United Nations Security Council and then to the North Atlantic treaty organization defense ministers. Who knew it was bull frack, and the French rejected the story all together. How many innocent civilians died in air assault? How many died in the invasion on the ground? So far body count two thousand four hundred U.S dead, United Kingdom war dead unknown to this writer. Other allied causalities unknown civilian and other wise. Attacks on Spain and other country have cost us many friends in Europe. We are fighting in Afghanistan against Elgaeida and the Taliban. The dogs who murdered are people on September 11, but do we as military defile our selves by violating the rules of war and conduct of warrior. The Viet-cong and the North Vietnamese mistreated our pilots and other prisoners. Abu grab and secret prison that’s not our way and we don’t as soldiers do that. Not an keep our honor, using third world central Asian countries to torture captured combatants is a violation and every rule of law both in the eyes of world an our own people, an the conduct of war. I know for a fact we signed and ratified the Geneva Convention on the conduct of war. Treatment of Prisoners of war, and how we conduct ourselves in battle; I guess now we have put our moral foot in our mouths…the patriot act is open McCarthyism in the worst way by intruding on the rights of our people Author Castes, centurion and commander of Samarian Knights so very well and I quote “The gift of Freedom is yours by right |
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