US, NATO & The Netherlands train for an invasion of Venezuelaforpressfound, Viernes, Abril 7, 2006 - 06:18
Henk Ruyssenaars
The training is part of "Operations Tradewinds'' in the Caribbean. In illegal cooperation with NATO, the PNAC's 'Bush administration' is conducting a series of military exercises as a warning to Venezuela and other - what they call - 'leftist' governments in Latin America. IT IS THE PNAC'S HENCHMEN, NATO, THEIR CIA AND IT'S WAR CRIMINAL DUTCH COLLABORATING ALLIES WHO POSE A THREAT: NOT ONLY TO VENEZUELA, BUT TO ANY COUNTRY'S AUTONOMY. THE QUESTION BY DUTCH MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT KOENDERS: "WHY SHOULD HOLLAND TAKE PART IN THEIR KILL & DESTROY ACTIONS?" WAS NEVER ANSWERED, AND HE WAS MADE TO SHUT UP. Henk Ruyssenaars + WMR FPF - Amsterdam - April 7th 2006 - In the article below - which as far as I can check it, is correct - Wayne Madsen reports on the further criminal behavior by the US PNAC mafia, forcing more collaborators to support their global genocides. Even if everything on every front and level has shown to be a huge pack of lies, and a malignant part of the 'Project for a New American Century' - PNAC* THE WHOLE FORCED US/NATO 'COOPERATION' IS TOTALLY ILLEGAL AND CRIMINAL. There is absolutely NO legal ground nor base to be found for PNAC/NATO 'cooperation' (and especially not the PNAC's inside job on 9/11 - killing 3000 people in the WTC catastrophe) - for Washington's Cabal and their Pentagon, to refer to Article 5 of the NATO Treaty and require support.* On the contrary: NATO people should have arrested and punished all the serial PNAC killers and their quislings, especially those in the media: what they do, and have done - like 9/11 - is not human, but are permanent crimes against humanity.* THIS WAS HOWEVER DONE - AND ACCEPTED BY ALL PNAC COLLABORATORS IN EUROPE TOO - AS A 'JUSTIFICATION' TO COMMIT NATO TO THE US PNAC WAR CRIMES. INHUMAN AND UNJUST! And to make the not informed taxpayers in the NATO countries pay for these horrible crimes against humanity, which all normal people abhor. Without even informing them how much of their wages permanently and already for ages has been stolen. - [http://tinyurl.com/adjxt] Wayne Madsen reports the following: "U.S., Dutch, and British forces are in Jamaica training English Caribbean security forces as part of "Operations Tradewinds. Across the Atlantic in the Caribbean, in cooperation with NATO, the Bush administration is conducting a series of military exercises as a warning to Venezuela and other 'leftist' governments in Latin America." WMR - April 6, 2006 - Time for NATO to go the way of the Warsaw Pact, CENTO, and SEATO. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), which the Bush administration hopes to turn into a worldwide military bloc that would include Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and South Korea, is a Cold War relic that should be discarded upon the trash heap of history, joining other outmoded "defense pacts." NATO is increasingly being used by the neo-cons to intimidate populist governments in Latin America and human rights activists in Africa. In a show of force off Africa's oil-rich west coast, some 7000 U.S., NATO, and Cape Verdean troops will conduct a military exercise, code named "Live X," in June on the Cape Verde islands of Sao Vicente, Sal, and Santo Antao, NATO's first in Africa. Across the Atlantic in the Caribbean, in cooperation with NATO, the Bush administration is conducting a series of military exercises as a warning to Venezuela and other leftist governments in Latin America. In a replay of U.S. naval maneuvers held during the time the Bush administration tried to unseat Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez in an April 2002 abortive coup, the U.S. Navy is deploying a task force led by the USS George Washington to waters off the Venezuelan coast in "Operation Partnership of the Americas." U.S., DUTCH, AND BRITISH FORCES ARE IN JAMAICA TRAINING ENGLISH CARIBBEAN SECURITY FORCES AS PART OF "OPERATIONS TRADEWINDS." The Bush administration is now using its neo-con allies in the Dutch government to accuse Chavez of having designs on the Netherlands Antilles. Echoing the Bush neo-cons, Dutch Defense Minister Henk Kamp called Chavez a "fanatic populist" who wants to invade Aruba, Bonaire, and Curacao (the so-called "ABC islands"). Venezuelan political and military leaders have called the Dutch charges ridiculous and point out that the US Southern Command has been issuing policy documents clearly stating that populist movements spreading from Venezuela, Uruguay, and Bolivia to Peru, Ecuador, Nicaragua, and Mexico are threats to national security. The survival of multinational corporate vampires is now equated to U.S. national security by the neo-con owned and operated Pentagon. THE PENTAGON MAINTAINS "FORWARD OPERATING LOCATION" MILITARY AIR BASES IN ARUBA AND CURACAO. If anything, it is Washington and its Dutch allies who pose a threat to Netherlands Antilles autonomy. The neo-con Dutch government has, through Round Table Conferences (RTC's) with the Antilles and Aruba, attempted to convince the islands to cede judicial autonomy to the central Dutch government. Using the non-ABC islands of Saba, St. Eustatius, and Saint Maarten as wedges, Washington and The Hague, have caused problems for the ongoing efforts of the Netherlands Antilles to devolve autonomy to the individual islands and largely scrap the federal system. However, while the Bush administration and its Dutch lackeys charge Chavez with having territorial designs on the ABC islands, the military-industrial oligarchy in Washington and Houston may be fomenting a separatist movement in western Venezuela's oil-rich Zulia state. Chavez has accused Zulia's right-wing governor, Manuel Rosales, of working with the United States and American oil interests to promote independence for the state. A recently-formed right-wing and pro-business group called "Own Road" is pushing for an independence referendum for the state. There is evidence that the group has received support from intelligence elements operating from within the U.S. embassy in Caracas. In addition, U.S.-backed mercenaries and Florida-based missionaries have attacked the villages of pro-Chavez indigenous tribes in Zulia. Bush administration would have Venezuela's oil-rich Zulia state declare independence as a U.S. client state. Other Latin American nations with populist governments can expect similar Bush/neocon-supported secessionist movements. Already, there are U.S.-supported secessionist stirrings in the hydrocarbon-rich Chaco region of Bolivia aimed against President Evo Morales, a Chavez ally. The parallels between Own Road ("Rumbo Propio") and southwestern Iran's Ahwaz independence movement, which is backed British and U.S. intelligence, are striking. Both Zulia and Ahwaz are oil-rich regions. U.S. intelligence now backs independence movements in both regions designed to pry oil-rich resources away from anti-Bush central governments. Conversely, in regions where independence movements threaten U.S. oil interests, the Bush administration provides the central governments with military hardware and special counter-insurgency training. This is the case with oil-rich Aceh in northwestern Sumatra in Indonesia*, the Angolan enclave of Cabinda, and the Delta region of Nigeria.* [enditem] - Url.: http://www.waynemadsenreport.com/ VHeadline.com has the latest and reliable news from Venezuela - Url.: http://www.vheadline.com/main.asp RELATED: * Venezuela: Brainwashed Dutch armed forces totally at the disposal of USA warmongers - Url.: http://www.vheadline.com/readnews.asp?id=52896 * 'Royal' Dutch SHELL - killing & drilling for profit - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/rwyks * Dutch War criminals further infest Indonesia - Not 'Prime' but Crime Minister Balkenende with the Dutch PNAC multinationals in Indonesia - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/n2drb * IT CAN BE DONE! - Former Crime Minister - SHELL 'kommissar' and #1 traitor Wim Kok - in a court hearing for some of his and other Dutch war criminals crimes - Humanitarian Bombers in Court - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/662pp * US CONGRESSMAN RON PAUL CONFIRMING THE CREATION OF A WORLD GOVERNMENT - "He asked if there was an international conspiracy to overthrow our government: The answer is ''Yes" - Short video - Url.: http://100777.com/media/RonPaul-NewWorldOrder.wmv * THE 'WHY' OF GLOBAL RESISTANCE - HOW IT IS DONE BY THE PNAC'S CIA JACKALS & THE WORLD BANK's SERIAL KILLER WOLFOWITZ - Confessions of an economic 'hit man'. World Bank insider Perkins explains: "Jackals' are C.I.A. - sanctioned people that come in and try to foment a coup or revolution. If it doesn't work, they perform assassinations, or try to." - They steal billions for the World Bank, IMF, USAID, UNDP, AID etc. - Perkins web site - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/jvhbu - It's your life too: Must watch Video Url.: www.informationclearinghouse.info/article8171.htm * 'PROJECT FOR A NUCLEAR AMERICAN CENTURY': NUCLEAR HOLOCAUST for you too - Depleted Uranium for Dummies - Url.: http://www.notinkansas.us * THIS IS A VERY INFORMATIVE ARTICLE - AN EYE-OPENER - After working around the globe for more than forty years, I can not find anything wrong with this eloquent description of the state of affairs: ''They seem so harmless, so non-menacing, and yet they are the root of so much of the present evil that mankind is facing today. Just six simple words that carry the weight of the world upon them, six simple words that act as the engine for so much turmoil and unrest.'' - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/gj4x5 * 6 MILLION PEOPLE WERE KILLED? - ANOTHER HOLOCAUST, THIS IS ONE OF MANY BY THE PNAC's CIA: John Stockwell, former CIA Station Chief in Angola in 1976, working for then Director of the CIA, George Bush. ''How 6 million People Were killed in CIA secret wars against Third World countries'' - Before 1986! - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/gpcg * "Sarah, if the American people had ever known the truth about what we Bushes have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - George Bush Senior speaking in an interview with Sarah McClendon in December 1992. * HOW THE BUSH FAMILY MADE ITS FORTUNE FROM THE NAZIS - THE DUTCH CONNECTION - by John Loftus, a former U.S. Department of Justice Nazi War Crimes prosecutor, the President of the Florida Holocaust Museum and the highly respected author of numerous books on the CIA-Nazi connection including The Belarus Secret and The Secret War Against the Jews, both of which have extensive material on the Bush-Rockefeller-Nazi connection. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/omczx - * Global Predators - ‘Frauds-R-Us’ - The Bush Family Saga - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/elarx * The 9/11 drama was the 'trigger' used by the PNAC Group, killing Americans to further their inhuman goals: Anybody who after seeing this video - '9/11 revisited' - still believes the version from the 'PNAC pack' - the Washington cabal - is beyond all professional help - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/r5sx4 * The Mad Cow Morning News is one of the absolutely best 9/11 sites on Internet - by Daniel Hopsicker - Url.: http://www.madcowprod.com/01042004.html * FOX: Video 49 min. - The example how viewers are brainwashed and 'outfoxed' - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/b2zzl * All the more reason to read the Fightin' Cock Flyer - Url.: http://fightincockflyer.blogspot.com/ * THE ONLY SOLUTION? - Help all the troops - of whatever nationality - to come back from abroad! - AND WITH ALL THEIR WEAPONS, WHICH WE ARE FORCED TO PAY FOR BY TAXES - [http://www.apfn.org/apfn/reserve.htm] - We need them badly at home in many countries to fight with us against our so called 'governments' and their malignant managers - Url.: http://www.bringthemhomenow.org/ The Dutch author this far has lived and worked abroad for more than 4 decades for international media - when they still knew what honest journalism was - as an independent foreign correspondent. Of which 10 years - also during Gulf War I - in the 'Arab World' and the Middle East. Seeing worldwide that every bullet and every bomb breeds more terrorism ! FOREIGN PRESS FOUNDATION -0-
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Wayne Madsen Report
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