clouds of freedomAnonyme, Jueves, Abril 6, 2006 - 21:57 come sweet rain Clouds of tears Murdock Todd Cote (Doc) Come sweet rain and wash away the darkness of hate, despair and restore the sweetest of all words hope to a divided nation; unite with one effort and one cause freedom. Dear gods in heaven make this true, freedom for all those true. America is a mixing bowl of cultures, religions, races beliefs and loves, let no ,man and woman be judged for whom they choose to love or be loved by, no clergy, no government, no extremist be our judge. If the blood of civil war comes let it be on the republicans head for it is their fault. If our vote in this republic becomes futile Chester then an Army will march forth as a storm to wash away the stain of treason and corruption which has befallen our great nation. They say who can do a better job, democrat, independent, republican nay none of these men and women can be trusted with our lives any more. The republic is a shell of what it was, strength and bullying is all that is left. We destroyed the communist horde as they were called by simple economics we out spent them and are research and development was bit better then theirs. A modern navy, a military force to rival that of thaspatience legions. We in 1990 became the last great super power, the so called policemen of the world; rogue states in the Middle East now have power to destroy our world "Absolute power --Drago Museveni, |
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