
International infringement festival seeks activists & artists!

Anonyme, Jueves, Abril 6, 2006 - 14:01


Attention: artists, activists, & culture-jammers

If you have a performance and want to bring it on the road this summer to Montreal, Ottawa, Buffalo, Regina, or other cities, the international infringement festival is now taking applications. It is FREE for the artist to participate – no registration fees, box-office cuts, services charges, or unethical sponsors.

Attention: artists, activists, & culture-jammers

If you have a performance and want to bring it on the road this summer to Montreal, Ottawa, Buffalo, Regina, or other cities, the international infringement festival is now taking applications. It is FREE for the artist to participate – no registration fees, box-office cuts, services charges, or unethical sponsors. It is a great place to network with critical artists and activists, and get your work seen in different places across North America. For full details, see:

The infringement Festival is an international interdisciplinary festival open to all activists and critical artists. Celebrating Freedom of Expression and designed as a real arts democracy, this festival is a critical response to the oppressive neoliberal worldview and all its corporate media, spam, billboards, televisions, flyers, advertisements, jingles, shopping malls, made-for-TV Wars, human rights abuses, oppression; and the depoliticisation of people through this diversionary Spectacle.

The infringement welcomes a variety of performances and cultural resistance: performance activists, street demonstrations, political theatre, culture-jammers, musicians, radical performance art, visual artists, films, marginalized arts, spoken-word, puppet shows, disadvantaged groups, and anyone wishing to artistically infringe on the oppression and monoculture that creeps into every corner of our lives. The festival aims to emphasize both critical practice in the arts, and artistic practice in activism. It also aims to provide a positive environment that encourages and nurtures critical art, while celebrating resistance to tyranny and oppression. You can see a video clip of it online here:

The international circuit for 2006 currently looks like this:
Montreal: June 15th to 25th
Ottawa: June 29th to July 9th
Kingston: July 13th to 23rd
Buffalo: July 27th to August 6th
Regina: August 16th to 23rd
New York City: Dates TBA

Each city is run autonomously, so please submit registration of acts to individual festivals. Other cities may be joining soon, including several in Europe.

If you’d like to start a festival in your community, please see:

Please FWD & REPOST this message far and wide.

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