
Three very IMPORTANT articles related to U.S. War on/of Terrorism, and international racketeering

mikec, Miércoles, Marzo 29, 2006 - 22:21

Mike Corbeil

This is only to provide URLs to some very important, must read articles.

"The Other War: A Report from Colombia", by Rev. John Dear, Jesuit priest in US and long-time activist for peace, justice, ..., March 29, 2006,

"Alexander Cockburn: Ex-State Department Security Officer Charges Pre-9/11 Cover-Up: Sam Karmilowicz's Story", March 9, 2006,

Mr Karmilowicz, last Dec., "finished a 21-year career as an officer of ..." US security. And I did not provide the actual url for the article, but only one to CP's homepage, just in case this is the way CP links are to be provided by public readers like myself. People who go there soon should just need to scroll down to the March 9th list of links.

"Kay Griggs, Former US Marine Colonel's Wife, Talks Again About Military Assassin Squads, Drug Running, Illegal Weapons Deals and Sexual Perversion Deep Within the Highest Levels of the US Military and Government", Greg Szymanski, July 25, 2005,

The latter was obtained via, the website of the priest who videotaped a nearly eight hour interview with Kay Griggs and who's provided two different formats, a full version, and another that's been edited down to around two hours in length.

After those articles are read, readers of this should realise why I'm not going to bother saying more, from my own words. Those articles already say a LOT, and what more could I say that would add anything really useful!

Mike Corbeil
Hatley Township, Qc

MORE links to important articles which
Mié, 2006-04-05 19:56

variably but certainly complement the information in the above articles. While waiting for the submission to be posted by the team, I posted a comment to an article in order to provide these links in the quickest manner possible for readers of That post is the following, but figured that I may as well just copy the contents over to this post.

I could take the time to edit out some of the plain text paragraphs that were originally part of the post copied and pasted, below, but, well, won't bother with this. It's likely not important to bother with that task.

"Privatizing the Apocalypse: Nukes for Profit", by Frida Berrigan, March 30, 2006,

That links to the homepage of CP, again, so simply scroll down to the list of articles for March 30th.

"The Mustafa Mosque Massacre was No Accident or Error: A Strategy of Massacres", by Dave Lindorff, March 30, 2006,

"Saddam Better for Iraqi Women", by Sanjay Suri, IPS, March 30, 2006,

"'If You Start Looking at Them as Humans, Then How Are You Gonna Kill Them?': They're a publicity nightmare for the US military: an ever-growing number of veterans of Iraq war campaigning ...", by Inigo Gilmore and Teresa Smith, Guardian/UK, March 29, 2006,

"Several die in Baghdad store attack: While wearing Iraqi police commando uniforms, killed at least 8 people and wounded 3 in a raid on an electronics store in western Baghdad", March 29, 2006,

"DID US Marines murder 23 Iraqi civilians? US military deny massive over-reaction when attacked, BUT video evidence from one incident has led the official story to unravel: Incident in Haditha, Iraq, Nov. 19, 2005", by Raymond Whitaker, March 26, 2006,

"Why There's No Strategy to End This War: CP Diary", by Alexander Cockburn, March 25, 2006,

"IPA, Institute for Public Accuracy, USA: US Military Bases: Iraq and Beyond", March 22, 2006,

"Operation SWARM of LIES", by Dahr Jamail, March 20, 2006,

"Iraqi Police Report the Details of Civilians' Deaths at the Hands of US Troops", by Matthew Schofield, Knight Ridder, March 20, 2006,

"Neocon Advocates Civil War in Iraq as Strategic Policy: Daniel Pipes Finds Comfort in ...", by John Walsh, March 9, 2006,

"John Negroponte’s ’Serious Setback’", by DAHR JAMAIL, March 3, 2006,

The latter was obtained via .

And, I guess, this'll suffice for now. Please take note that all of these additional articles are considerable as musts to read, although people convinced before getting through all of them, convinced that the US is certainly dead wrong, criminal, and so on, these people may not benefit much from reading absolutely all of these articles.

Dahr Jamail's March 3rd article, while listed very last, due to having ordered the links chronologically, this should definitely be treated as a must read, regardless of how convinced people are, or not. Both of his above articles should be treated a musts.

It's not that I don't think that they're all worth being read, and important, but time is a constraint for all of us, so ....

Oh, well, just remembered:

"US Navy prepares aircraft carrier strike group for "major training exercise"", by Jack Dorsey, March 28, 2006, (Venezuela)

I don't know if that's true, and haven't yet read the article, while also having only read about the major exercises in the area of China or in the China Sea this coming summer, with something like four huge US aircraft carriers.

How many of those vessels are there, for crying out loud? After all, if they've got four huge ones going to the Sea of China and another four to the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico this summer, [all] aircraft carriers, then the US surely has plenty of others, not hundreds or even dozens, although maybe dozens, but surely enough to be usable without needing to pull these eight performing "exercises" out for other purposes.

In either case, even if only one of those "exercises" really happens, it still strikes me as an act of intimidation, particularly in the Sea of China, which is nowhere close to the US. Can't say the same for the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico, not per se, not without knowing which of the continents is going to be nearest to the exercises. But the Sea of China is a clear act of intimidation, and should be criminal under international law, although we already know that the US government hasn't really ever cared about international law.

That's why it was from US bullying that the UNSC was first set up with veto privelege, and for only permanent member states, else the US wasn't going to join in this organisation, which the US government played a BIG part in establishing to begin with. (NWO odour that had and continuously has.)

P.S.S. More links to important articles follow.

"An "Alliance" Of Violence", by DAHR JAMAIL, March 30, 2006,

"Saddam Better for Iraqi Women", by Sanjay Suri, IPS, March 30, 2006,

"Photostory: Israeli extremists' attack on Nazareth's most famous Christian church virtually unreported", by Jonathan Cook, March 8, 2006,

Mike Corbeil
Hatley Township, Qc

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NOTE of concern regarding Alex Cockburn's article ...
Sáb, 2006-04-08 14:00

His article on the story told by Mr Karmilowicz, ....

SNIPPED the text on July 25, 2006, given that I perhaps was too off in questioning the involvement of the Taliban and or Al Qa'ida as mentioned by Mr Karmilowicz. Maybe it's better to not bother with that questioning for now.

Mike Corbeil
Hatley Township, Qc

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