Why Paris is burningforpressfound, Domingo, Marzo 19, 2006 - 10:02
Henk Ruyssenaars
When the explanation was given that: "When one easily fires working people, it's resulting in more jobs." - all human beings with common sense first shook their heads in disbelief, and now shake their fists at those French ministerial crooks advocating this nefarious nonsense. WHY PARIS IS BURNING EASY HIRED, EASY FIRED? WHO PROFITS FROM NIGHT-SHIFT WORK FOR 15 YEAR OLDS? by Henk Ruyssenaars FPF - France - March 19th - 2006 - Millions (74%) of the French people fight the indecent labor laws and have after yesterday's huge demonstrations given the French 'government' an ultimatum. Either de Villepin's inhuman law goes, or the French government is in deep trouble; starting with a country-wide general strike. It's not only in Paris or at the Sorbonne University it's burning, as we are falsely shown on the selected TV-'news': millions of parents, workers and at least 41 universities and over two hundred cities in France are affected. And reacted. Because - contrary to what the employer's mainstream media* globally report - this is about much more. It's not only back to the last century in Europe with 14 year olds working for free as 'apprentices', and again making it the law that 15 year olds can work night shifts. The main plan within the EU is to reduce - through law and by opening the borders for other low paid workers - all wages to a very low level, resulting in bigger profits for the EU 'managers'. To most observers the growing protests reflect a much broader discontent of the people with their government and the totalitarian direction they are forced in. EASY HIRED, EASY FIRED Front man, and because it didn't work yet, now 'fall guy' for the plan - is monsieur de Villepin, who was appointed PM by Chirac, and who has never held an elected office. - [BBC - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/rz8nc] - Representing the EU managers is the by Blair and his 'advisers' in London appointed, not elected by the people, EU boss Peter Mandelson, after he fell from grace when in England a 'house loan' by his friends was uncovered. - [http://tinyurl.com/guej9] People revolt against this umbilical cord to the likewise wage lowering Dutch neocon Bolkestein's Directives*, trying to annul a model that has assisted in providing for nearly 60 years a relative peace and stability across some countries of the European continent. ''The Bolkestein (or services) Directive* epitomises this on-going attack by global capitalism on the long fought for conditions of labor across Europe and indeed the globe, it is the public face of a transnational race to the bottom being waged on workers and citizens alike by a growing right wing rump of liberalising, privatising and deregulating evangelists that have found their way onto the centre stage of European politics. The Bolkestein Directive proposes to deregulate and liberalise services across Europe, all services except those already subjected to previous acts of deregulation. Health, Education and social welfare services, both public and private as well as local government services, all come under the Directive's provisions that demand the removal of any restriction to the opening up of the market to the cheapest bidder." [end quote] - [http://tinyurl.com/jdgmz] As many times before, people are very critical of the role of the trade unions as a student explained: “In Jussieu, we’ve been organised for three weeks now, and we’ve closed the university down, but the trade unions have shown little interest. They’ve expressed their support and then waited for us - if we hadn’t got going, the trade unions would have done nothing.
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