Professionals killed Milosevicforpressfound, Martes, Marzo 14, 2006 - 07:49
Henk Ruyssenaars
Slobodan Milosevic's son said Tuesday that the former Yugoslav president had been murdered at the detention center of the U.N. war crimes tribunal in The Hague. "He got killed, he didn't die. He got killed. There is a murder," Marko Milosevic told AP Television News in Amsterdam. PROFESSIONALS KILLED MILOSEVIC ANY TRACE OF THE DRUG DISAPPEARED WITHIN TWO DAYS With Marko Milosevic a team of four Russian doctors arrived at The Netherlands main airport Schiphol. Milosevic's body - after the state autopsy by the dutch 'authorities' and their claim of a 'natural death' through a heart attack - will be taken to Moscow. To be buried later, after the four doctors have done their own autopsy on whatever is left to them... by Henk Ruyssenaars FPF - The Netherlands - March 14, 2006 - First of all: the pharmaceutics multinational* making the drug found in Milosevic blood, confirmed - like other toxicologists - that any trace of Rifampicin will have disappeared within two days. Secondly: it is not a conspiracy. It's only concerning facts which already are known, and others we don't have yet. But many of those facts confirm that former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic was murdered, as most of the paper's headlines in former Yugoslavia and other countries describe it too. The official NATO court's version which the mainstream media use is: "Slobodan Milosevic deliberately took this drug to neutralise the effects of his heart medicine, so that the The Hague court would let him travel to Russia for treatment. But he died, maybe poisoning himself." - Milosevic was found dead in his cell last Saturday morning - March 11, 2006 - at the U-N. detention center near The Hague, and again rises the eternal question asked about any political liquidation: Who Profits? NATO: ''WE OWN THE HAGUE WAR CRIMES COURT'' The people which profit are those who - like all Dutch war criminals - http://tinyurl.com/662pp) - do not want to remember what was said at the NATO (PNAC*/US) Press Conference in Brussels on the 17th of May 1999 by NATO's malignant mouthpiece Jamie Shea and Major General W. Jertz: ''We pay and run the Court. They don't move or lift a finger without NATO." - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/l4yhd Milosevic was getting too dangerous and had literally to be the 'fall guy' to keep the NATO war criminals out of jail. The former Yugoslavian president is in an according to NATO 'perfect state' now: silent about all their lies and war crimes. Their inhuman PNAC policy for profit.* Professor Donald Uges of Groningen university on Dutch national radio last Sunday night* stated that he earlier was asked for a second opinion, and anew inspected a blood sample, after Milosevic's blood pressure failed to respond to medication given by doctors at the U-N. detention center and Milosevic himself complained about people trying to poison him. Which he probably wouldn't do, if he was pulling the 'Rifampicin trick' himself; an effect which only 'professionals' of the secret service killer squads and some toxicologists knew about. In the same radio interview Sunday night March 12th 2006 - with the Dutch State's channel NOS - Uges said that ''one has to be very specialized to even know about this drug which has had a neutralizing effect on the medication Milosevic was taking for high blood pressure.'' Critics noted, however, that Milosevic was the fourth inmate to die at the tribunal's detention center in Scheveningen, outside the Dutch capital, including a star witness. - Times (UK) - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/kq5mf MILOSEVIC COMPLAINED TO HIS ATTORNEY THAT HE WAS BEING POISONED The day before Milosevic died, releasing his soul to reside in that unpleasant realm reserved for corrupt rulers who lead their nations into unjust wars (Mr. Bush, take note), Slobodan Milosevic complained to his attorney that he was being poisoned. After the former ruler of Yugoslavia was found dead in his cell in a UN detention facility near The Hague on March 10, Zdenko Tmanovic told reporters that Milosevic had complained of being given “strong drugs ... only used for treating leprosy or tuberculosis.
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