

Anonyme, Domingo, Marzo 12, 2006 - 09:54

INTERNATIONALIST NOTES special English Digest #1, March 2006, has been just published.

Internationalist Notes is a publication of the Internationalist Workers’ Group, which is the section of the International Bureau for the Revolutionnary Party (IBRP) in Canada and the USA.

- New left Party -- About Françoise David, the Reformist Renewal and all that Jazz…
- Germany -- Leave the Left in the Right’s territory! Remarks on the So-called « left »
- On the Events in France
- 1921 : Kronstadt -- Beginning of the Counter-revolution
- Three Days of Action for Two Years of War?
- Correspondance about Lenin, the role of the communist party in the socialist state and the right of nations to self determination
- etc.

Subscribe! One year (four issues + leaflets) : 8$.
Please do not mention Internationalist Notes on your payment.

Send money orders only to :
R. St Pierre, P.O. 173, succ. C,
Montreal (PQ), Canada, H2l 4K1


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