
US: Serial Killers Conference

forpressfound, Jueves, Marzo 9, 2006 - 04:36

Henk Ruyssenaars - Vietnam correspondent 1971

In the US, for two days in Boston, an infamous group of the worst American PNAC pack and global killers congregates: the #1 war criminals, some of which were at the core of the Vietnam Holocaust. None of the more than two million innocent Vietnamese victims is invited.


by Henk Ruyssenaars - Vietnam correspondent 1971

FPF - March 9, 2006 - Remember the small Vietnamese girl running? The US democracy-napalm burning her back? - [] - She won't be in Boston, nor are any of the American/Vietnamese survivors invited. And one of the subject of this incredible 'Conference of the Killers'?

It will be about the illegal invasion of Vietnam and “Lessons Learned!

This is not 'chutzpah' anymore: What's happening in reality surpasses all limits of decency and inhumanity: ''Among those participating are some big global genocide names: Henry Kissinger - [] - Alexander Haig - [] - Jimmy Carter - [] - Theodore Sorenson, Wesly Clark - [] - and Chuck Hagel.''

Nebraska Republican Hagel, an Army infantry squad leader during the Vietnam war, sits on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and supported the October 2002 resolution authorizing military action against Iraq. He helped Bush on the bloodied PNAC throne in the White 'Haus': "If You Want To Win An Election, Just Control The Voting Machines" - Url.:

Only a brain dead Dr. Strangelove could think of such a sick scenario: serial killers discussing whether they have 'learned' anything from their global holocausting...


Maybe the Americans - advocating those atrocities for profit - have learned not to build 'tiger cages' anymore? In the American concentration camps in Vietnam there was no use for the Geneva Convention either, regarding POW's - human beings - Url.:

Apparently this 'Presidency Conference' has forgotten all Vietnamese Americans, as written in a commentary by 'Dreamer', in the item below: "A Vietnamese American Experience. - Blog, Mar 08, 2006 - The first “Vietnam and the Presidency

Foreign Press Foundation
Article by Dreamer on Vietnam

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