
To all Solidarity Across Borders Members and Friends

Paul, Martes, Marzo 7, 2006 - 11:05

Solidarity Across Borders

On Saturday, March 11, Solidarity Across Borders will be hosting another of our monthly community dinners, launching the "Status For All" campaign. It will be a good chance for everyone to connect as we work towards the Status for All march on the 27th of May.


Saturday, March 11
Centre Communautaire de Loisir de la Cotes-des-Neiges
5374 Chemin Cotes-des-Neiges
Metro Cote-Des-Nieges


- The dinner will be a potluck, so if individuals or groups could bring a
dish it would be much appreciated.
- Childcare will be provided so don't hesitate to bring your kids.
- Rides can will be available if necessary (call us at 514-848-7583 to
arrange a pick-up).

Everyone is welcome so invite your family, friends, and anyone else you
think may be interested.

For more information call 514-848-7583 or email

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