CANADIANS OUTRAGED BY DECLARATION OF STATE OF EMERGENCY IN THE PHILIPPINESAnonyme, Domingo, Febrero 26, 2006 - 15:09 (Communiqués | "Anti-terrorisme"/Liberté | Democratie | Elections & partis | Guerre / War | Media: Liberte/Freedom | Politiques & classes sociales | Resistance & Activism) As peace-loving Canadians, we condemn in the strongest possible terms Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo's declaration of a national state of emergency. ENGLISH February 24, 2006 *CANADIANS OUTRAGED BY DECLARATION OF STATE OF EMERGENCY IN THE PHILIPPINES* As peace-loving Canadians, we condemn in the strongest possible terms Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo's declaration of a national state of emergency. Arroyo declared a state of emergency earlier on Friday using the excuse of a foiled coup attempt against in the midst of growing popular protests calling for her ouster from presidency. Filipinos have been calling for Arroyo's resignation since it was exposed last year that she may have involved in electoral fraud in the 2004 elections that made her President. Arroyo's declaration gives her full power to suppress acts the President deems to be rebellious (including peaceful protests), suspend the writ of habeas corpus or conduct warrantless arrests, suspend civil liberties, and take over key national industries and utilities (including media). We have no reason to trust Arroyo with such authoritarian power as her administration has been responsible for over 200 political killings and gross human rights violations. We particularly are disgusted by her pronouncement of de-facto Martial Law as Arroyo did so on the 20^th Anniversary of People Power I – the anniversary celebrating the Filipino people's ouster of corrupt and fascist former dictator Ferdinand Marcos in 1986. We see this heinous declaration as a bid by Arroyo to cling on to political power as she faces popular calls for her resignation and growing discontent in the Philippine military over corruption in her administration. Already a number of protesters that were joining in the Anniversary celebrations in the streets of Manila have been arrested and peaceful rallies have been violently dispersed. However, the Filipino people have shown their determination and are standing their ground against Arroyo's iron-fisted rule. In the face of Martial Law, progressive and people's organizations in the Philippines have raised their call to "resist emergency power with people's power"! As concerned Canadians who hold high the principles of genuine democracy, we denounce Arroyo's declaration of Martial Law as a violation of human rights and an assault on peace. We stand firm in solidarity with the Filipino people as they resist Martial Law and heighten their call for Arroyo's ouster. Finally, in the light of these disturbing events, we urge the Canadian government to seriously examine its relations with the Philippines and immediately withdraw support for the Arroyo government. NO TO MARTIAL LAW IN THE PHILIPPINES! Statement of: British Columbia Committee for Human Rights in the Philippines (BCCHRP)
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