

Anonyme, Martes, Febrero 21, 2006 - 16:54


3rd and 4th of March, 2006 Concordia University: 1455 de Maisonneuve Ouest
(Métro Guy)

Please distribute widely

International Women's Day 2006

3rd and 4th of March, 2006 Concordia University: 1455 de Maisonneuve Ouest
(Métro Guy)

OPENING NIGHT Friday 3rd March Room H-110

6pm-7pm Registration for forum

7pm-10pm Cultural show

featuring: Faith Nolan with Sandra Moran Maude Macaurelle And more.

Tickets: Suggested donation 10$. No one turned away.

FORUM Saturday, 4th March Room H-110


9:am-10am Registration

10am-12:30pm Panel discussion

Ginette Apollon, President, Haitian Women Workers Commission, Haiti Zleikha Muhtaseb, Centre Ibrahimi Centre for Social Development, Palestine Sandra Moran, National Women's Forum, Guatemala Marilou Carrillo, Philippine Women's Centre, Vancouver

12:30pm-1:30pm Lunch

1:45pm-3pm Workshops (please consult program for room numbers)

Topics include: Women and ideology, Institutional recognition, struggle for a home with or without borders, women in class struggle, transnational organizing, rights of women in prison, photo-activism, etc.

3:30pm-4:30pm Plenary

Free Childcare and Translation provided Lunch will be served (meat and vegetarian options). Suggested Donation $5.

Organized by the March 8th Action and Coordination Committee of Women of Diverse Origins in partnership with the Simone de Beauvoir Institute

For more information, please contact: The March 8th Committee at(514)342-2111

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