
Russia Warns U.S. Against Iran war & Rice wants regime change

forpressfound, Jueves, Febrero 16, 2006 - 15:11

Henk Ruyssenaars

General Yuri Baluyevsky, the chief of Russia's general staff, warned the United States against attacking Iran. "A military scenario can't be ruled out," Baluyevsky was quoted as saying by Russian news agencies."

FPF: Today's 'cliffhanger' - in a dirty geopolitical contest whose outcome is uncertain:


by Henk Ruyssenaars

FPF - Feb. 16th 2006 - The Iranians defend themselves with this: "The US, the Zionist usurper entity and their band of bullies would do well to kick their habit of threats of military action, especially as the rulers in Washington are well briefed on just what they might face in Iran should they get carried away with their megalomania," concluded the editorial. IRNA - Url.:

In a new move today, the French today surprisingly and politically follow on the war path and also blame Iran for wanting nuclear weapons, and are sorry because they are this time not allowed to deliver as much to Iran as the Russians. So they join other fear mongers and collaborators on the US/PNAC war side, charging Iran with a 'secret military program for nuclear weapons.' - [PNAC-pics -]

The rejection by Iran is widely spread even by the main$tream media, because the story itself can be used against Iran: 'Iran rejects French nuclear charges' can be found on Internet in a Google 'news' search' [] - but Iran gets all the blame: which the UN's IAEA says it does not deserve: there is no nuclear weapons program, and the IAEA permanently controls Iran - Url.:

The UN's International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) - which permanently and on the ground controls Iran in this field - has repeatedly said that Iran has NO nuclear weapons program or similar. The same as many international experts outside the PNAC dominated circles have stated: Iran will need at last ten years to construct a nuclear weapon. On average- for the enrichment to weapon grade uranium - one needs between 2 and two-and-a-half- thousand (2500) centrifuges: Iran has THREE working models.


Anyhow: Putin and his friends in uniform are getting mad, because Russia is the great supplier nowadays of the nuclear energy build up in Iran - and makes a mountain of rubels and Euros on it - so 'Russia Warns U.S. Against Striking Iran': ''Feb. 16 - 2006 - AP - Russia's top military chief on Thursday warned the United States against launching a military strike against Iran and a top diplomat voiced hope that close cooperation with China could help resolve the Tehran nuclear crisis. With tension mounting over Iran's nuclear programs, Gen. Yuri Baluyevsky, the chief of Russia's general staff, warned the United States against attacking Iran. "A military scenario can't be ruled out," Baluyevsky was quoted as saying by Russian news agencies." - [end quote] - Url.:

Moscow's reaction - which is more blunt than usual - can be seen as an answer to US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice ''who has asked Congress for $US75 million in emergency funding for a Cold War-style program TO PROMOTE POLITICAL CHANGE in Iran by subsidising dissident groups and boosting US television and radio broadcasts to the country.''


The 'alien' US Secretary of State Rice - who like the other PNAC-pack people never has understood human beings nor history, should have looked on June 16, 2000, in the New York Times, when it published on its Web site files of a secret CIA report: and how the US was humiliated. - "CLANDESTINE SERVICE HISTORY, OVERTHROW OF PREMIER MOSSADEQ OF IRAN, November 1952 - August 1953," an operation planned and executed by the CIA and British SIS - Url.:

'The Australian' has the story* about Rice, who called Iran a "strategic challenge": ''Washington wants to fund around-the-clock Voice of America broadcasts in Farsi, a US official said. These would provide information for organisers of the sort of protests that the Solidarity labour movement used to undermine the communist government in Poland.

FPF on US PROPAGANDA: "The NSA/CIA funded (His Master's) 'Voice of America'- is a very bad propaganda network, which broadcasts fake news and 'newspeak' programs worldwide. Because the PNAC people from Washington officially have no own diplomats in Iran, the collaborating war criminals in England have advised Washington 'on how to connect with the Iranian people.'

Full story at 'The Australian' - Url.:

Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands

* "Sarah, if the American people had ever known the truth about what we Bushes have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - George Bush Senior speaking in an interview with Sarah McClendon in December 1992. - And here's why: 'George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography' - by Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin - Chapter - II - The Hitler Project - Url.:

* "People do not forget. They do not forget the death of their fellows, they do not forget torture and mutilation, they do not forget injustice, they do not forget oppression, they do not forget the terrorism of mighty powers. They not only don't forget: they also strike back." - 2005 Nobel Literature Prize winner Harold Pinter - Url.:

* 'Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one' — A.J. Liebling - The merciless engine of propaganda has been turned on: The infamous US 'Lie Factory' - Url.:

* Independent & FREE press in Kansas - Pls. read the 'Fightin' Cock Flyer' - Url.:

* Help all the troops - of whatever nationality - to come back from abroad! - AND WITH ALL THEIR WEAPONS, WHICH WE WERE FORCED TO PAY FOR BY TAXES - [ ] - We need them badly at home in many countries to fight with us against our so called 'governments' and their malignant managers - Url.:

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Foreign Press Foundation
IAEA cinfirms permanent control of Iran

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