LoyaltyAnonyme, Lunes, Febrero 13, 2006 - 01:03
Murdock Todd Cote (Doc)
duty honor country god Loyalty The long road has began, loyalty to me is steadfast attitude to one purpose; loyalty to ones nation, loyalty to ones people. It also means that we are loyal to laws, our rules; we do not deviate. America’s rules are absolute, the declaration of Independence, the bill of rights and our beloved Constitution the ground work of being an American. These documents are preceded by others from the beginning of time. The Magna Charta, before that it was code of Hamurabi to the French articles of confederation of the French Revolution. Loyalty to one another as fellow citizens of a nation loyalty is caring having a heart, our people first; Lieutenant General Thomas Jonathan Jackson commander II Corps, army of Northern Virginia said and I quote in his explanation to a father about his Interpitation of Patriotism“Being a God Fearing Man, my first allegiance is to God, my second is to my state Virginia, if she adheres to the union, then I adhere; her determination must be mine every state has a primal claim to the fealty of its people and may justly control that fealty that is my interpitation of patriotism |
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