Believe as I do, or I shall assassinate you!forpressfound, Viernes, Febrero 10, 2006 - 11:23
Henk Ruyssenaars
What do you mean? Freedom of What? In the US a teacher is spending a fortune in legal fees to defend her constitutional right to 'Freedom of Speech': she used the word PEACE. Who decides what you, other people or I can say, ask or think? And why? FPF - Feb. 10th - 2006 - Yesterday in Berlin, Germany, visiting Dutch parliamentarian Ayaan Hirsi Ali - from the right-wing political party VVD - (Vereniging Van Dieven) - during an international press conference voluntarily asked for problems by declaring the publishing of - also from my point of view, insulting Mohammed cartoons - a matter of 'Freedom of Speech' to be defended. More than a billion Muslims don't agree. Conservative MP Hirsi Ali complimented the conservative Danish neocon PM Rasmussen; defending the publication last October of the Mohammed cartoons in Jyllands Posten. She also blasted Dutch political puppets like Prime (better said Crime) minister Balkenende, for not having the 'guts' to do so. The strongly US neocon business oriented Dutch 'managers' are vehemently opposed to her statements, or for that matter to anybody or anything which can endanger the multinational's profitable restructuring of their energy needs. IT'S ONLY PROFIT THAT COUNTS: NEVER HUMAN BEINGS A commerce spokesman in an embarassing comment on Dutch radio even said: "Let people shut up and let's do business. If the Danes and others are boycotted in the Arab world, we can deliver if we shut up." To those creatures it's only profit that counts: never human beings. This whole US activated 'PsyOp media debate' - this fake quarrel about the 'cartoon jihad' - is used to fan the 'war on Iran feelings' of the people living in 'western' countries. It's developed to be another 'Pearl Harbour', like the criminal 9/11* - to brainwash and blind people to the real cause of the by the PNAC pack planned war on Iran. - [http://tinyurl.com/bdpmw] The neocon PsyOp plans apparently are that Europe must become as despised as the United States, thus forming a platform from which the brainwashed Europeans again and further will be made willing to take part in the illegal neocon war machine. Delivering 'in defense of freedom of speech' the ignorant cannon fodder, and footing the bill for the permanent Killing Fields of the US, NATO and other collaborators, like the falsely labeled 'UN Peace Troops'. The US war supporting paper Boston Globe hits the 'psyop nail' on the head today with this wishful thinking: "THE OUTPOURING OF WRATH TOWARD EUROPE FROM MUSLIM IMMIGRANTS AND FROM PEOPLE IN ISLAMIC COUNTRIES SUGGESTS, ANALYSTS SAY, THAT EUROPE HAS BECOME THE ''NEW" UNITED STATES FOR MANY MUSLIMS: A RICH AND POWERFUL ENTITY SEEKING TO IMPOSE ITS WILL AND VALUES ON THE POORER REGIONS OF THE WORLD." And: ''For Muslims living in Europe, the cartoons are a symbol of the racism and disgrace they feel they face every day," said Olivier Roy, one of France's foremost experts on Islamic issues, in a phone interview from Paris. ''There is a new trend to see Europe as interventionist -- like the US -- not as neutralist and even-handed. This view is taking both the Islamic world and Europe in a very dangerous direction." - [Boston Globe* - end quote] The above exemplifies what the meaning of the whole sick story is. As an independent journalist/correspondent I've lived and worked for ten years in the so called 'Arab World', also during Gulf War I, among many phenomena - covering the 'Potemkin peace talks' with the Israeli/American 'negotiators' and their 'road map'. A truly rotten 'Road map' for the Palestinians, leading straight to their grave. Those years made me start understanding the anger of the Palestinian and Arab populations concerning the West's treacherous tactics. Your 'terrorist' is their freedom fighter. And they rightfully resist the inhuman treatment: now again seeing the nuclear Holocaust of Iran coming. People outside the nefarious neocon bubble understand that the majorityof us - as human beings - is not worth a dime in the 'New World Order'. The whole sick propaganda in the main$tream media - which the warmongers own - never mentions the fact that the group 'running' the wars has it's own 'Thought Police' straight out of Orwell. Their 'Freedom of Speech' means that they decide what 'freedom' is. As the very unintelligent Dutch minister for Foreign Affairs 'Ben Bot' today said in a 'historical' comment: "Of course we defend 'Freedom of Speech'. But that doesn't mean that one can say anything: there are laws." FREEDOM WHICH IS CURBED BY LAWS IS NO FREEDOM It's the same fake 'freedom' as for instance Americans in general - and the people in the by them and their media dominated colonies - have: as long as you say what they want to hear it's OK. Otherwise you go to jail. Like the four people who linger in jail now in 'Chancellor' Angela Merkel's neocon Germany who did not deny the Holocaust but have some totally normal and logical questions about the research concerning it. Or is insulting over a billion Muslims all right, while asking questions concerning the Holocaust is taboo? How come, who stipulates that aberration? WHO DECIDES WHAT WE AND OTHERS CAN SAY, ASK OR THINK? - AND WHY? "In the US educators face blowback for protesting the Iraq war in schools" is a Raw Story* written by Carlos Miller and published today, in which he gives some of the horrible facts and lots of cases concerning the non-existent 'Freedom of Speech' in the US: "February 9, 2006 - Just over three years ago, as the nation readied for war with Iraq, elementary school teacher Deb Mayer stood in front of her class and uttered the word that would get her blacklisted from her profession. It was a word that got her deemed “unpatriotic
Foreign Press Foundation
Not allowed to say PEACE anymore?
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